Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/16/2024 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual/Board of Supervisors Chambers 575 Administration Drive 102A
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video:  
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2024-0372 1.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Shawn Roberts vs. County of Sonoma Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ145549346 (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1).)   Action details Not available
2024-0373 2.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Susan Bechtel vs. County of Sonoma Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Nos. ADJ15137059, ADJ12405273, ADJ16366620 (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1).)   Action details Not available
2024-0397 3.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session:? Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation.? Potential initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4).? 1 case.   Action details Not available
2024-0440 4.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Real Property Negotiator - 15 Boyes Blvd., Boyes Hot Springs, CA 95416. Agency negotiator: Warren Sattler, Real Estate Manager. Negotiating parties: County of Sonoma and Primavera Nueva, Inc. Under Negotiation: Terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition (Government Code Section 54956.8.)   Action details Not available
2024-0333 5.Consent Calendar ItemAmendments to As-Needed Licensed Land Surveyor Service AgreementsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0401 6.Consent Calendar ItemApproval of Use of Lytton Tribal Mitigation Funds for Native American Arts FestivalsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0312 7.Consent Calendar ItemGeyserville Municipal Advisory Council - Proposed Amendments to Add Alexander Valley to its Name/Membership and Other Changes and to Amend the BylawsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0353 8.Consent Calendar ItemFee Waiver - Bodega Bay Fisherman’s FestivalApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0274 9.Consent Calendar ItemMarch 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election, Official CanvassApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0350 10.Consent Calendar ItemProfessional Services Agreement for Financial Auditing ServicesApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0413 11.Consent Calendar ItemOrdinance to Modify Sonoma County Code and Revise the County Administrator’s Duties and ResponsibilitiesApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2024-0265 12.Consent Calendar ItemAmendment to Legal Services Agreement with Nossaman, LLP for specialized legal services associated with the potential expansion of the Central Disposal SiteApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0325 13.Consent Calendar ItemDistrict Attorney 2024 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Community Awareness ProjectContinued  Action details Not available
2024-0050 14.Consent Calendar ItemBehavioral Health Services Agreements - Additional Delegated Authority for Fiscal Year 2023-2024Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0183 15.Consent Calendar ItemMental Health Board Bylaws UpdateApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0286 16.Consent Calendar ItemPolicy Revision - County of Sonoma Medical Leave PolicyApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0239 17.Consent Calendar ItemIntegrated Justice System ModernizationApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0289 18.Consent Calendar ItemPublic Records Act (PRA) Process and Technology AssessmentApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0330 19.Consent Calendar ItemFY 24-25 Ordinance Adopting Fee Changes for Sheriff-Coroner’s OfficeApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0334 20.Consent Calendar ItemSheriff’s Office 2023 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle GrantApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0339 21.Consent Calendar ItemAmend the Sheriff’s Office Department Allocation ListApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0279 22.Consent Calendar ItemTown of Windsor's Recycled Water Design ProjectApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0297 23.Consent Calendar ItemEngineering and Design Services for Santa Rosa Plain Water Resiliency ProjectApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0352 24.AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Emily Albert to the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Advisory Committee as the Real Estate representative for a two-year term beginning April 25, 2024, and ending on April 25, 2026. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0340 25.AppointmentApprove the Reappointment of Gil Dong and Lindsay Norman to the Springs Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), each to an At Large position for a term beginning April 16th 2024 and ending January 23rd 2026. (First District).Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0316 26.AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Priyanka Varma to the Advisory Council to the Area on Aging serving a two-year term beginning April 16, 2024 and ending on April 16, 2026. (Second District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0358 27.AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Paolo Tantarelli to the Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Advisory Committee, representing the Fourth District for a two-year term beginning April 19, 2024, and ending April 19, 2026. (Fourth District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0343 28.AppointmentApprove the Reappointment of Robin Bartholow to the Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District Board of Directors for a term beginning April 7, 2024 and ending on April 6, 2028. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0408 29.AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Jeffrey Berk to the Civil Service Commission for a term beginning April 16, 2024, and ending on April 16, 2028. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0382 30.AppointmentApprove the Reappointment of Anthony Withington to the Civil Service Commission for a four-year term beginning April 13, 2024, and expiring April 13, 2028. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0335 31.Gold Resolution Presented at the BoardAdopt a Gold Resolution declaring April 14-20, 2024 as National Safety Telecommunications Week and Recognize RedCom for their Service During the 2023 Winter Storm Events. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0317 32.Gold Resolution Presented at the BoardAdopt a Gold Resolution proclaiming April 21 through April 27, 2024 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0213 33.Gold Resolution Presented at the BoardAdopt a Gold Resolution designating the month of April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Sonoma County and direct the raising of the Children’s Memorial Flag at the County Center on April 26, 2024.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0276 34.Gold Resolution Presented Off-SiteAdopt a Gold Resolution congratulating Wayne Schake on the honor of being selected as the 2024 Alcalde for the City of Sonoma. (First)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2024-0311 35.Regular Calendar ItemAccepting Certificate of Sufficiency for Sonoma County Prohibition on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Initiative PetitionApproved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
2024-0303 36.Regular Calendar ItemCannabis Business Tax Ordinance (Chapter 35 of the Sonoma County Code) Amendment - First ReadingApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2024-0272 37.Consent Calendar ItemRecovery and Resiliency Framework AssessmentInformation only  Action details Video Video
2024-0199 38.Regular Calendar ItemHomelessness Services for Interim Housing SitesApproved as recommended  Action details Video Video
2024-0314 39.Regular Calendar ItemWater Rates for Fiscal Year 2024/2025Approved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2024-0263 40.Regular Calendar Item2:30 P.M. ORD21-0001 and ORD23-0004 Ordinances Modernizing Tree and Woodland ProtectionsApproved as amendedPass Action details Video Video