Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/4/2023 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual/ Board of Supervisors Chambers 575 Administration Drive 102A Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Addendum Addendum  
Meeting video:  
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2023-0398 1.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors and the Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Water Agency will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 77. (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1).)   Action details Not available
2023-0190 2.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Public Employee Candidate Presentation - Economic Development Board Executive Director (Government Code Section §54957(b)(1).   Action details Not available
2023-0394 3.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors, the Board of Directors of the Water Agency, the Board of Commissioners of the Community Development Commission, and the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Preservations And Open Space District will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Labor Negotiators: Agency Negotiators: Janell Crane and Jeremia Mills, County of Sonoma, and Rick Bolanos, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore. Employee Organizations: All. Unrepresented employees: All, including retired employees. (Government Code Section §54957.6.)Withdrawn  Action details Not available
2023-0417 3A.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation 54956.9(b)(1); Jennifer Mazzamuto v. County of Sonoma et al., SCV272239   Action details Not available
2023-0164 3B.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). 1 Case. Alleged material breach of emergency medical services in Exclusive Operational Area No. 1 (American Medical Response West dba Sonoma Life Support).   Action details Not available
2023-0446 3C.Closed Session Calendar ItemThe Board of Supervisors will consider the following in closed session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. Potential initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4). 1 case. Alleged material breach of emergency medical services in Exclusive Operational Area No. 1 (American Medical Response West dba Sonoma Life Support).   Action details Not available
2023-0158 4.Consent Calendar ItemDelegation of Settlement Authority in Civil Code Enforcement ActionsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0094 5.Consent Calendar Item2022-23 Property Tax Administration ChargeApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0273 6.Consent Calendar ItemFee WaiverApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0279 7.Consent Calendar ItemFee Waiver - Bodega Bay Fisherman’s FestivalApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0226 8.Consent Calendar ItemApprove the Minutes of the meetings October 4, 10, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 7, 8, and December 6, 13, 22, 29, 2022. Approve the Minutes of the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District meetings October 4, 10, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 7, 8, and December 6, 13, 22, 29, 2022.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0228 9.Consent Calendar ItemApprove the Minutes of the Meeting October 21, 2022.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0229 10.Consent Calendar ItemApprove the Minutes of the Meeting December 16, 2022.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0328 11.Consent Calendar ItemAdopt a Resolution from a Special District Requesting to Change Governing Board Election Dates from Odd to Even Numbered Years.Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0404 12.Consent Calendar ItemJulie Burns, dba The Communications Bridge Contract AmendmentApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0293 13.Consent Calendar ItemHousing Authority Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Annual Plan and Administrative Plan UpdatesApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0332 14.Consent Calendar ItemFY 22-23 Tourism Impact Fund Grant AwardsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0351 15.Consent Calendar ItemResolution in Support of the City of Santa Rosa’s Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Application for South Santa Rosa Specific PlanApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0387 16.Consent Calendar ItemBoard of Supervisors/County Administrator’s Office Department Allocation ListApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0391 17.Consent Calendar ItemCalOES/Federal Assistance Authorized AgentsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2022-1169 18.Consent Calendar ItemACCESS Sonoma Safety Net Initiative - IBM AgreementApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2022-1313 19.Consent Calendar ItemDepartment of Health Services Public Health Staffing Allocations - Future of Public HealthApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0001 20.Consent Calendar ItemDepartment of Health Services Staffing AllocationsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0269 21.Consent Calendar ItemWomen’s Recovery Services and Sonoma County Office of Education Agreement AmendmentsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0188 22.Consent Calendar ItemPolicy Adoption - County of Sonoma Lactation PolicyApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0163 23.Consent Calendar ItemHuman Services Department Planning, Research, Evaluation and Engagement Unit Position ChangeApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0233 24.Consent Calendar ItemHuman Services Department Amendment to Position Allocation List to Add/Change 5.0 Full-Time PositionsApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0121 25.Consent Calendar ItemOutside Service Area Agreement with the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District for Cognetti; SEW22-0127Approved as recommended  Action details Video Video
2022-1283 26.Consent Calendar ItemGuiding People Successfully Program Memorandum of UnderstandingApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0208 27.Consent Calendar ItemFinal Approval of Sale of Certain Surplus Land in ForestvilleApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0246 28.Consent Calendar ItemLocal Task Force on Integrated Waste Management (AB 939 Local Task Force) Membership UpdateApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0306 29.Consent Calendar ItemCloverdale River Park Joint Powers Agreement with the City of CloverdaleApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0278 30.Consent Calendar ItemFY 23-24 Ordinance Adopting Fee Changes for Sheriff-Coroner’s OfficeApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0289 31.Consent Calendar ItemAgreements for FY 2023-26 Medi-Cal County Inmate ProgramApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2022-1174 32.Consent Calendar ItemNorth Bay Water Reuse Authority - Phase 2 Engineering StudyApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0256 33.Consent Calendar ItemLease Agreement with Marin County for Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information System Weather Radar StationApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0262 34.Consent Calendar ItemAssessment of Flood Risk Management Services in Sonoma CountyApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0263 35.Consent Calendar ItemCotati Tank No. 1 and Kastania Tank Recoating - Contract AwardApproved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0274 36.AppointmentApprove the Re-Appointment of Karen Collins to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission representing the First District for a four-year term, beginning April 4, 2023 and ending April 4, 2027. (First District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0301 37.AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Alain Serkissian to the Sonoma County Advisory Council to Area Agency on Aging for a two-year term beginning on April 13, 2023 and ending on April 13, 2025. (Fifth District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0300 38.AppointmentApprove the Re-Appointment of Terry Kelley to the Sonoma County Advisory Council to Area Agency on Aging for a two-year term beginning on April 13, 2023 and ending on April 13, 2025. (Fifth District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0302 39.Gold Resolution Presented at the BoardAdopt a Gold Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma, State of California, Proclaiming April 2023 as Fair Housing Month. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0341 40.Gold Resolution Presented at the BoardAdopt a Gold Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma, State of California Proclaiming April 2023 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. (Countywide)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0271 41.Gold Resolution Presented Off-SiteAdopt a Gold Resolution Celebrating and Acknowledging the Penngrove Community Club House on the Occasion of its 100th Anniversary. (Second District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0286 42.Gold Resolution Presented Off-SiteAdopt a Gold Resolution congratulating Pedro Merino for his 30 years serving the Sonoma Valley community as an educator and coach. (First District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0337 43.Gold Resolution Presented Off-SiteAdopt a Gold Resolution Honoring and Commending Motor Officer Ryan Reinke of the Cotati Police Department as the Exchange Club Officer if the Year 2023. (Second District)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Not available
2023-0218 44.Regular Calendar ItemImplementation of Traffic Control Measures in the Vicinity of VJB Vineyard and Cellars - First ReadApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0360 44A.Regular Calendar ItemAmendments to Sonoma County Code Section 19-15. Limiting the Prohibition of Camping on Public Property to Specific Times and Locations - Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance or, alternatively, Re-introductionApproved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
2022-1363 45.Regular Calendar Item10:30 AM -Consideration of an Ordinance: (1) Amending Sonoma County Code Chapter 25B (Well Ordinance) to Add Provisions Related to Evaluation of Public Trust Resources, Well Monitoring, and Other Miscellaneous and Technical Changes; (2) Setting a Fee for Discretionary Well Permit Applications; and (3) Determining Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act. Consideration of Urgency Ordinance for Temporary Extension of the Moratorium on Water Well Permitting.Approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0244 46.Regular Calendar Item1:45 PM -PLP17-0031; 565 Mountain Avenue, Zone Change and Use Permit for a WineryApproved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0363 47.Regular Calendar Item2:00 PM -ZCE22-0001 A request for a zone change to remove the Z (Accessory Dwelling Unit Exclusion Combining District) at 1850 Alexander Valley Road (APN 091-030-044)Approved as recommendedPass Action details Video Video
2023-0345 48.Regular Calendar Item2:30 PM -Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan Update (PLP13-0014)Continued  Action details Video Video
2023-0259 49.Regular Calendar ItemPermit and Resource Management Department: Review and possible action on the following: Acts and Determinations of Administrative Certificate of Compliance Acts and Determinations of Airport Land Use Commission Acts and Determinations of Design Review Committee Acts and Determinations of Environmental Review Committee Acts and Determinations of Landmarks Commission Acts and Determinations of Planning Commission/Board Zoning Adjustments Acts and Determinations of Project Review and Advisory Committee Administrative Determinations of the Director of Permit and Resource Management (All materials related to these actions and determinations can be reviewed at: as recommendedPass Action details Video Video