File #: 2024-1309   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/24/2024 In control: Sheriff's Office
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action:
Title: AB 114 Youth Drug Prevention and Gang Diversion Trust Fund Agreement
Department or Agency Name(s): Sheriff's Office
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Agreement for Youth Diversion Program Services with Petaluma People Services Center

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office

Staff Name and Phone Number: Maureen Nicklas, 565-8831

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide




AB 114 Youth Drug Prevention and Gang Diversion Trust Fund Agreement



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

Authorize the Sheriff-Coroner to sign the Agreement for Youth Diversion Program Services with Petaluma People Services Center for the term from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for an amount not to exceed $142,198, to provide restorative justice services to at-risk Sonoma County youth.



Executive Summary:

The Agreement for youth diversion program services with Petaluma People Services Center is funded by AB 114 asset forfeiture trust funds, which are controlled by the AB 114 Panel per Health & Safety Code §11489(b)(2)(A)(i)(ii). Legislation and funding authority are described in detail below. AB 114 agreements with local community-based organizations and/or government entities provide drug and gang prevention services to at-risk juveniles in Sonoma County. Based on the amount of the Agreement, Board authorization is required for this Agreement.



Legislation. Property seized by law enforcement agencies as assets resulting from illegal drug trafficking can be forfeited to the State of California.  Such forfeited assets are distributed among various state and local law enforcement partners through a distribution scheme set up in California Health & Safety Code Section 11489 ("Section 11489").  Pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) (adopted through AB 114), 15 percent of all forfeited funds seized by any law enforcement agency in Sonoma County must be deposited in a trust fund maintained by the County. The fund is required to be used for the sole purpose of funding programs designed to combat drug abuse and divert gang activity, and shall wherever possible involve educators, parents, community-based organizations and local businesses, and uniformed law enforcement officers. The fund must not be used to supplant any state or local funds that would otherwise be made available to the programs.  The Legislature’s purpose in enacting this subsection was “to cause the development and continuation of positive intervention programs for high-risk elementary and secondary school-age students,” and to promote law enforcement working “in partnership with state and local agencies and the private sector in administering these programs.” (Section 11489, subd. (b)(2)(A)(i).)


Funding Authority.  While the County is the designated “holder” of such funds, the actual distribution of the funds is determined by a panel consisting of the Sheriff, a police chief selected by the other chiefs in the county, the District Attorney, and the Chief Probation Officer (per subd. (b)(2)(A)(ii)). The Santa Rosa Police Chief was selected by the other chiefs in Sonoma County to participate on this panel (the “AB 114 Panel”). AB 114 Panel members are permanent positions. Should a current panel member employed by the County separate from their position, the newly elected/appointed County employee for that position will assume the role as an AB 114 panel member.  Should the police chief separate from his or her city position, a new chief will be selected to serve on the AB 114 Panel by the other chiefs in the county.

The AB 114 Panel meets quarterly for the purpose of determining how best to use the trust funds for the purposes intended by the Legislature that will meet the most pressing needs of Sonoma County youth. The AB 114 Panel has determined that the funds should be used to engage community-based organizations and/or government entities to provide drug and gang youth intervention and prevention services to designated youth in Sonoma County.  An application process was established to solicit services from community-based organizations and/or government entities who are determined by the panel members, within their respective disciplines, as qualified providers of such services to these designated youth. The AB 114 panel reviews and evaluates the applications, and funding decisions are made accordingly. Engaging a contractor to perform such services allows the development and continuation of positive intervention programs for high-risk elementary and secondary school-age students and therefore satisfies the legislative intent of Section 11489.

Petaluma People Services Center is a qualified provider of programs targeting youth who are at-risk of becoming involved in delinquency, drugs, or gang activity through its Youth Diversion Services Program. The Youth Diversion Services Program disrupts the school-to-prison pipeline by providing an alternative to incarceration for southern Sonoma County youth who are first-time or low-level offenders.  Petaluma People Services Center provides a specialized program, in alignment with the United States Department of Justice’s Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, rooted in restorative practices, intensive case management, and an individualized plan focused on accountability, restoring relationships, educational support, service to the community, and competency development.  The proposed Agreement is estimated to cost $142,198 over the one-year term.


Strategic Plan:



Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

3/13/12 - The Board authorized the Sheriff to sign agreements funded under AB 114 that do not exceed $100,000.



Fiscal Summary


FY24-25 Adopted

FY25-26 Projected

FY26-27 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance




General Fund Contingencies




Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

Contract expenditures will be charged directly to the AB 114 Asset Forfeiture Trust. The current AB 114 Asset Forfeiture Trust fund balance through September 30, 2024, is $637,327.


Staffing Impacts:




Position Title (Payroll Classification)

Monthly Salary Range (A-I Step)

Additions (Number)

Deletions (Number)














Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):

There are no staffing impacts associated with this item.



Agreement for Youth Diversion Program Services with Petaluma People Services Center


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: