File #: 2024-1271   
Type: Appointment Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/18/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors District 5
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action:
Title: Approve the Appointments of the members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council. The terms begin January 1, 2025, and end December 31, 2026. The members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council are as follows: Joe Rogoff (Guerneville); Patty Thayer (Monte Rio/Villa Grande); Vicki Clewes (Hacienda); Lonnie Lazar (Forestville); Tony Goodwin (Cazadero/Duncan Mills); Norma Pichardo (Guerneville - Alternate); Craig Baker (Monte Rio/Villa Grande - Alternate); Brian Andriola (Hacienda - Alternate); Cari Hernandez (Forestville - Alternate); Jennifer Otten (Rio Nido - Alternate); Theresa (Terry) Gwiazdowski (Cazadero/Duncan Mills - Alternate). (Fifth District)
Department or Agency Name(s): Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Summary Report

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Board of Supervisors

Staff Name and Phone Number: Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 707-565-2241

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Fifth


Recommended Action:


Approve the Appointments of the members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council. The terms begin January 1, 2025, and end December 31, 2026. The members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council are as follows: Joe Rogoff (Guerneville); Patty Thayer (Monte Rio/Villa Grande); Vicki Clewes (Hacienda); Lonnie Lazar (Forestville); Tony Goodwin (Cazadero/Duncan Mills); Norma Pichardo (Guerneville - Alternate); Craig Baker (Monte Rio/Villa Grande - Alternate); Brian Andriola (Hacienda - Alternate); Cari Hernandez (Forestville - Alternate); Jennifer Otten (Rio Nido - Alternate); Theresa (Terry) Gwiazdowski (Cazadero/Duncan Mills - Alternate). (Fifth District)



Executive Summary:

Approve the Appointments of the members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council. The terms begin January 1, 2025, and end December 31, 2026. The members of the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council are as follows: Joe Rogoff (Guerneville); Patty Thayer (Monte Rio/Villa Grande); Vicki Clewes (Hacienda); Lonnie Lazar (Forestville); Tony Goodwin (Cazadero/Duncan Mills); Norma Pichardo (Guerneville - Alternate); Craig Baker (Monte Rio/Villa Grande - Alternate); Brian Andriola (Hacienda - Alternate); Cari Hernandez (Forestville - Alternate); Jennifer Otten (Rio Nido - Alternate); Theresa (Terry) Gwiazdowski (Cazadero/Duncan Mills - Alternate). (Fifth District)





Prior Board Actions:

11-13-2018; 01-26-2021; 12-14-2021; 01-10-2023; 01-09-2024


Fiscal Summary

Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):






Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: