File #: 2024-0836   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/27/2024 In control: Public Infrastructure
On agenda: 9/24/2024 Final action:
Title: New Public Health Lab and Coroner's Office (Morgue) Grant of Water Utility Easement & Award Consulting Contract for Structural Testing & Special Inspection
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Summary Report.pdf, 2. Proposed Easement.pdf
Related files: 2021-1190, 2021-1386, 2023-0304, 2023-1149, 2023-1361, 2024-0226, 2024-0539

To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure

Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz-SPI, 707-565-2550

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): All




New Public Health Lab and Coroner’s Office (Morgue) Grant of Water Utility Easement & Award Consulting Contract for Structural Testing & Special Inspection



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

A)   Approve a proposed easement, including all grant deeds, agreements, and instruments related thereto, to the City of Santa Rosa, for water connection service infrastructure and related improvements in and along Paulin Drive and the County Administrative Center as needed for the Public Health Lab and Coroner’s Office and Morgue project, for no monetary consideration, and subject to final negotiation and execution by the Director of Public Infrastructure and in form approved by County Counsel.

B)   Find that the proposed easement is in the public interest and that the use of the property will not substantially conflict or interfere with any County use.

C)   Award the contract and authorize the Director of Public Infrastructure to execute the consulting contract with Ninyo & Moore for structural testing and special inspection services for the Public Health Lab and Morgue project, in the amount of $168,960; with a 10% contingency of $16,896.



Executive Summary:

The Public Health Lab & Coroner’s Office project requires a new water line connection from the City of Santa Rosa water main. This connection is critical to ensure adequate water supply for the new facility. Under City of Santa Rosa water service requirements, an easement is required to be granted to the City for purposes of installing and maintaining the water connection.

The Project also necessitates Structural Testing and Special Inspection Services. The California Building Code (CBC) mandates specific requirements for special testing and inspections for essential facilities like this one to ensure their safety, structural integrity, and operational reliability during emergencies. Essential facilities must undergo rigorous inspections and testing to comply with these standards, underscoring their critical importance in public safety and emergency response.


The Department of Health Services (DHS) Public Health Lab and Sheriff Coroner’s Office project (“Project”) entails constructing a new facility to accommodate both operations. The Project has an aggressive timeline, as the current facilities must be vacated by the end of 2026 due to the expiration of the Chanate Property lease term.


A new water line connection from the City of Santa Rosa (“City”) water main is essential to ensure an adequate water supply for the new facility. To facilitate this, the County needs to grant an easement to the City for installation and maintenance of the necessary water supply infrastructure. The easement is standard for all City water main connections and will allow the City to maintain, repair, replace, and otherwise utilize the planned 12” water main, water service meters, 8” fire line, fire hydrants, irrigation line and related public water facilities. The easement will be located within existing roadway along with other underground and aboveground utility infrastructure and is consistent with other utility easements in County rights of way. The planned infrastructure will be primarily situated underground and otherwise in roadway and facility areas that are commonly designed and dedicated to utilities and utility access. Pursuant to City of Santa Rosa regulations, the grant of easement is required as a condition of connecting to the City water service, and accordingly is necessary for Project. 

Because it is an “Essential Facility” under applicable building codes, the facility must undergo rigorous inspections and testing. "Essential facilities" refers to buildings and structures that are necessary for the protection of the public health and safety, particularly during and after emergencies such as earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. These facilities are designed to remain operational and safe during and after such events. The California Building Code (CBC) Chapter 17 requires specific, special testing and inspections for essential facilities.

To procure the needed structural testing  special inspections, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued on July 26th, 2024. Four proposals were received by the August 16th, 2024, deadline, from Construction Testing Services, Inc., Ninyo & Moore, Twining, Inc., and Allerion Consulting Group. The proposals were evaluated by a selection committee based on criteria including experience, technical capability, past performance, and cost. After a thorough review, Ninyo & Moore was identified as the most qualified and cost-effective provider with more thorough scope. Through this Board Item, Public Infrastructure requests award and authority to execute a contract with Ninyo & Moore for $168,960; with a 10% contingency of $16,896.

Strategic Plan:



Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

June 4, 2024:  New Public Health Lab & Coroner’s Office Facility -Award of Construction Manager At Risk Contract


May 21, 2024: Receive project status on the New Public Health Lab and Coroner’s Office Capital Improvement Project

January 30, 2024: Board appropriated $27,196,960 ($7,817,000 in ARPA funding approved 12/14/21; $9,759,460 in 20-21 year end savings approved 12/14/21; $4,440,500 from General Fund (GF) Chanate set aside approved 12/14/21; $1,152,319 in 23-24 capital project discretionary GF; $4,027,681 in FY23-24 ARPA funding).

November 28, 2023: Board approved $1,167,240 California Department of Public Health ARPA funds for design and construction efforts.

FY 2023-24: Capital Projects Budget appropriated $1,124,327 from General fund including $500,280 from closed capital projects and $624,047 in FY 2023-24 new General fund.


June 12, 2023: Board approved budget appropriated to Capital Project Adopted Budget in the amount of $5,778,100 for the proposed new Public Health and Morgue; and delegated authority to the Director of the Department of Public Infrastructure to execute a standard professional services agreement with COAR Design Group for architectural design services for the Public Health Lab and Morgue project, for $1,775,000, and subject to a 10% contingency for a total not to exceed amount of $1,952,500.


FY 2021-22: Capital Projects Budget appropriated $183,000 in ARPA funding, site analysis and acceptance of initial business plans for Public Health and Morgue. Capital Projects Adopted Budget appropriated $200,000 in funding for new PHL/ Morgue Bridging Documents.

December 14, 2021: Board approved, but did not appropriate, an $8 million allocation of ARPA grant funding and directed $10.2 million in Chanate Demolition set aside and $9.76 million FY 20-21 year end savings for constructing a combined Public Health Lab and Morgue facility.

November 16, 2021: Board approved sale of Chanate campus.


Fiscal Summary


FY 24-25 Adopted

FY 25-26 Projected

FY 26-27 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF








Fees/Other - ARPA




Use of Fund Balance








Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

The total cost for the Ninyo & Moore contract is $185,856, which includes a 10% contingency of $16,896. Funding is from the General Fund allocation identified during Budget Hearings. Appropriations for this contract is already included in the FY2024-25 Adopted Budget.


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




Proposed Easement


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
