To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure
Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Countywide
2024 Certified Mileage of Sonoma County Maintained Roads
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
Adopt a Resolution petitioning the California Department of Transportation, in connection with the provisions of Section 2121 of the Streets and Highways Code, to approve additions to and exclusions from the mileage of County maintained roads in the County of Sonoma as set forth in Exhibit “A”, and to certify to the State Controller 1,368.84 total miles of County maintained roads.
Executive Summary:
The Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department (SPI), in compliance with Section 2121 of the Streets and Highway Code, annually submits the additions and deletions to the mileage of maintained County roads to the State of California, Department of Transportation. The certified mileage of County maintained roads is used in the formula for gas tax allocation to the County of Sonoma from the Highway Users Tax Account, as well as in the calculation of local street rehabilitation for local Measure M. This year’s mileage of County maintained roads is 1,368.84, a decrease of 0.11 miles from the previous year’s certified mileage.
The State of California imposes per-gallon excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel, sales taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel and registration taxes on motor vehicles with allocations dedicated to transportation purposes. These allocations flow through the Highway Users Tax Account in the Transportation Tax Fund (HUTA). Through the HUTA, the State disburses a percentage of the taxes collected at a ratio related to the number of miles maintained in the County road system, compared with the total miles of road in the State. Certifying the mileage annually ensures that the County receives the correct apportionment from the HUTA. The mileage certification is also used for apportionment of funds towards local street rehabilitation under local Measure M.
The current maintained mileage is 1,368.84 miles, which is a decrease of 0.11 miles from the 2023 certified mileage.
Changes to the amount of maintained mileage occur for a variety of reasons, including annexations to and from nearby cities or the State, clerical corrections to the mileage system and new construction. A summary of the changes that have occurred are listed below.
Road Name Mileage Gain/Loss Reason for Gain/Loss
Old Maple Ave 0.11 Vacation (part Vacation of Old Maple Ave)
2023 County Mileage |
1368.95 |
County Mileage Losses |
0.11 |
County Mileage Gains |
0.00 |
2024 County Mileage |
1368.84 |
Strategic Plan:
This item directly supports the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan and is aligned with the following pillar, goal, and objective.
Pillar: Resilient Infrastructure
Goal: Goal 3: Continue to invest in critical road, bridge, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure.
Objective: Objective 1: Continue to maintain road segments, including designated turnouts where feasible, increase efforts on vegetation removal and drainage features, and improve pavement conditions in neighborhoods.
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
Annual Board certification of the mileage of maintained roads to the State of California.
Fiscal Summary
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
There is no fiscal impact associated with the agenda item. The additions and deletions are completed throughout the year by staff as part of routine business.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
EXHIBIT “A” Sonoma County Maintained Mileage Report
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: