To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): First and Fifth
License Agreement Amendments for Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue and Friends of Villa Grande for Use of County Property
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
A) Authorize the Director of Sonoma County Public Infrastructure (SPI) to execute the following amendments, and to execute future amendments and associated documents required for the operation of the license agreements, as reasonably requested by SPI staff, and in consultation with County Counsel, which are consistent with the essential provisions of the original agreements, and do not extend the terms of the license agreements:
i. Proposed amendment to the license agreement with Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, to extend the term of the agreement through February 10, 2029, with five, 1-year automatic extensions, for use of County-owned property known as House #1, located at 171 Pythian Road in Santa Rosa; and
ii. Proposed amendment to the license agreement with the Friends of Villa Grande, to extend the term of the agreement through February 10, 2029, for use of County property comprised of the historic Villa Grande Firehouse building and adjacent land, located at the intersection of Willow Way and West Street, in the unincorporated area of West Sonoma County, in the town of Villa Grande.
B) Make findings as required by Government Code Section 26227, that the proposed extensions of the license agreements are necessary to meet the social needs of the population of the County, and that the County does not need the subject premises during the extended terms of the license agreements.
(First and Fifth Districts)
Executive Summary:
Sonoma County Public Infrastructure (SPI) Real Estate Division is requesting Board approval to extend the existing license agreements with Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue and Friends of Villa Grande, for use of County property in the furtherance of program services provided for the benefit of the residents of Sonoma County.
Sonoma County Public Infrastructure (SPI) staff seeks your Board’s approval to extend terms of existing agreements with the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue and the Friends of Villa Grande, involving use of real property where the County is the owner. These agreements have been in place since February 2014 and require the proposed amendments in order to allow the programs to continue to operate at the current premises. For expediency and efficiency, these extensions are combined in one Board item.
Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue. Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue (“SCWR”) provides innovative care for sick, injured, and orphaned animals native to Sonoma County and/or California. Their efforts include rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing these animals back in their native habitat. SCWR is one of a limited number of entities providing such services in Sonoma County and accepts wildlife patients from the public, Sonoma County Animal Services, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Humane Society, animal control and law enforcement agencies, veterinarians, and other rehabilitation centers. The license agreement provides SCWR with use of the County property commonly known as House #1 for use by its caretaker and rehabilitation staff as well as providing storage, vehicle parking, and land for receiving and caring for its wildlife patients. The term of the existing agreement expires on February 10, 2024, and the proposed amendment would extend the term through February 10, 2029, with five, 1-year automatic renewal options.
Friends of Villa Grande. The mission of the Friends of Villa Grande (“Friends”) is to preserve and protect the property in Villa Grande known as the Patterson Point Preserve, and to maintain and preserve the Villa Grande Firehouse building, which was originally constructed in 1907. To accomplish this goal, the Friends have requested renewal of the license agreement for use of County property where the historic Villa Grande Firehouse building is situated, and which the Friends utilize to store tools and equipment used in their efforts to maintain the Firehouse building and the Patterson Point Preserve. Since 2014, the Friends have helped preserve the Firehouse building by performing maintenance and repair of the roofing, electrical, lighting, and foundation beams. In addition, the Friends utilize the adjacent land-portion of the Premises where they stage events for the benefit of the Villa Grande and the West County community. The term of the agreement with the Friends expires on February 10, 2024, and the proposed amendment would extend the term through February 10, 2029.
Public Interest: Section 26227 of the Government Code allows the County to enter into the license agreements with private agencies like the SCWR and the Friends, provided the Board makes the finding that the agreements are necessary to meet the social needs of the population of the County, and that the County does not need the Premises during the terms of these agreements. The provision of the agreements and the subject extensions of the agreements will help to promote the health, safety and social needs of the County. SCWR provides rescue, care and rehabilitation of local and State wildlife brought in by the general public, and various State and public agencies. The Friends maintain and preserve the Villa Grande Firehouse building and the Patterson Preserve for the enjoyment of visitors and local community in the lower Russian River area, and the Friends provide community events on the Premises that are open to the general public. In addition, the County does not have a need for either Premises that are the subject of the proposed license agreement amendments with the SCWR and the Friends, and there is no other planned or proposed use for these Premises by the County during the terms of the agreements.
Strategic Plan:
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
Friends of Villa Grande:
01/29/19-Authorized the General Services Director to execute a first amendment to the original license agreement, and to execute future amendments and associated documents required for the operation of the agreement, as reasonably requested by General Services staff and in consultation with County Counsel, which are consistent with the essential terms of the original agreement and do not extend the term of the original agreement
02/11/14-Authorized the General Services Director to execute the subject license agreement
Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue:
2/11/14 - Authorized the General Services Director to execute the subject license agreement
Fiscal Summary
Expenditures |
FY 23-24 Adopted |
FY 24-25 Projected |
FY 25-26 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
Total Expenditures |
Funding Sources |
General Fund/WA GF |
State/Federal |
Fees/Other |
Use of Fund Balance |
Contingencies |
Total Sources |
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
There is no direct fiscal impact as a result of this Board Item.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
1 - First Amendment to License Agreement with Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue
2 -Second Amendment to License Agreement with Friends of Villa Grande
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: