File #: 2023-1488   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Passed
File created: 12/6/2023 In control: Public Infrastructure
On agenda: 2/6/2024 Final action: 2/6/2024
Title: Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program, Guerneville Library Improvements Project Grant Acceptance & Guerneville Regional Library Lease Agreement
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Summary Report.pdf, 2. 1-Resolution.pdf, 3. 2-California State Library Intent to Award.pdf, 4. 3-Guerneville Library Site Plan.pdf, 5. 4-Approved Extension Request.pdf

To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure

Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Fifth




Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program, Guerneville Library Improvements Project Grant Acceptance & Guerneville Regional Library Lease Agreement



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

A)                     Adopt a resolution delegating authority to the Director of Public Infrastructure to execute, in form approved by County Counsel, a grant agreement and associated grant materials, with California State Library for a Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program grant award in the amount of $382,171.00, for the “Guerneville Library Improvements Project.”

B)                     Delegate authority to the Director of Public Infrastructure to execute a rent-free lease agreement, substantially in the form of the lease attached and in form approved by County Counsel, with the Sonoma County Library, a joint powers agency, for the Guerneville Regional Library located at 14107 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville, for a term of ten (10) years, with two five (5) year options to extend.

C)                     Authorize a contribution of $143,314.50 from the County Center Modernization/Deferred Maintenance Fund as part of the required local match for the subject Building Forward State Library grant and the proposed Guerneville Library Improvements Project.

D)                     Make findings as required by Section 26227 of the Government Code that the proposed lease and contribution of County funds for the Guerneville Library Improvements Project are necessary to meet the social needs of the population of the County and that the subject premises is not and will not be needed for county purposes during the term of the proposed lease.

E)                     Delegate authority to the Director of Public Infrastructure to execute, in form approved by County Counsel,  a funding agreement with the Sonoma County Library, for grant of the Building Forward State Library grant funds and the $143,314.50 in County local match funds, on condition of Library contribution of $143,314.50 in Library funds for the proposed Guerneville Library Improvements Project.

(Fifth District)



Executive Summary:

The Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department (SPI) is requesting authorization to accept the California State Library’s Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program grant award in the amount of $382,171.00 for the project titled “Guerneville Library Improvements Project” (“GLI Project,” or “Project”).


The 42-year-old Guerneville Regional Library is in poor condition due to adverse weather conditions and deferred maintenance. The proposed grant funded GLI Project submitted by SPI, in collaboration with the County Library, will provide electrical and HVAC upgrades including associated controls, seismic safety improvements, as well as repairing dry rot and water damage to the Library exterior in order to extend the lifespan of the building envelope.  A condition of receiving the Project grant requires that the site remain a library for at least ten years after the end of the grant period, in this case through June 30, 2037. Accordingly, a new long-term lease with the Sonoma County Library (the “County Library”) to cover such time period is recommended for approval.



The building currently housing the Guerneville Regional Library was constructed in the 1960s and many of its mechanical features have far exceeded their useful life. Investing in the structure will prolong its utility and continue to serve the community. The Sonoma County Library programming in the facility is increasingly focused on marginalized communities, including LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and disabled communities. The surrounding area experiences frequent power outages, and the building may be used as a community resource center including access/charging station.


In an effort to improve the building, the County applied in May 2023 for a Building Forward grant from the California State Library.  The County was notified on October 9, 2023, of the State Library’s intent to award the grant to the County subject to County compliance with certain conditions including executing a new lease in favor of the County Library and executing a grant agreement with the California State Library.  There is a required local match of $286,629. Through discussions between the County and the County Library, the  Library will contribute 50% ($143,314.50) of the local match, while the remaining 50% ($143,314.50) will be funded by the County through the County Center Modernization/Deferred Maintenance Fund.


Scope of Work

The GLI Project scope includes installing an electric panel that is secure, modern, reliable. This will ensure secure 24-hour wi-fi access, as well as access to the robust digital resources initiated during the pandemic. The upgrade will also ensure the electrical system is compatible with today's devices (advanced tech/power needs). Additionally, the GLI Project will address exterior and interior ADA opportunities, including doors and accessible routes. Addressing these issues will increase ADA access for all users, including staff, thereby increasing access to library materials and services.


The County Library, as tenant, has been leasing the County-owned Guerneville Regional Library Building (the “Building”) located at 14107 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville, California, for many years.  The term of the prior lease agreement between the County Library and County expired and the County Library has been using the building under a holdover status. County desires to continue to lease the Building to the County Library for the benefit of the general public.  A condition of the GLI Project grant funds from the California State Library’s Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program is that the Project site remain a library for at least ten years after the completion of the grant project. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board authorize a new lease with the County Library on substantially the following terms, which lease will allow the parties to proceed with receipt of State grant and implementation of the GLI Project.  The proposed lease is expected to include substantially the following terms:

(i)                     An initial term of ten (10) years, with two five (5) year options to extend;

(ii)                     Tenant shall not be obligated to pay rent;

(iii)                     Tenant shall use the Premises for operation of the Library as part of its county-wide public library system, as well as related services, activities and events;

(iv)                     County shall provide utilities and Tenant shall pay for all utilities related to its occupancy of the Premises;

(v)                     Tenant shall maintain, repair and clean and may make minor improvements to the premises, all at its sole cost; and

(vi)                     Subject to receipt of appropriations, County shall perform major repairs and replace any major system components in the Building at its sole cost. 


The County Library will undertake responsibility for the GLI Project, as a tenant improvement to improve the Library’s use of the facility. In order to provide the state Building Forward funding and contribute the County’s portion of the required local match, a funding agreement between the County and the Library is needed. The funding agreement will, among other things, include conditions of use of the grant, conditions for the improvement work, and require that the Library contribute its share ($143,314.50) of the local match balance.


Grant Match

In order to ensure compliance with the state’s Building Forward grant requirements, SPI will provide grant management support including periodic grant reporting, reimbursement requests, and closeout procedures. Subject to County consent to the improvements including as to the plans and specifications thereof, the County library will  be responsible for managing the GLI Project and  ensuring compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinance, and policies.


Public Interest.  Section 26227 of the Government Code allows the County to appropriate and expend general fund monies to fund programs deemed by the Board of Supervisors to be necessary to meet the social needs of the population of the county, including in the areas of education. Section 26227 also allows the County to lease and otherwise make available to public agencies and nonprofits any county property if the property is to be used for public programs necessary to meet county social needs and subject to certain findings. The lease of the Building to the County Library pursuant to the proposed lease is in the best interest of the public in the areas of social welfare and education, providing convenient and accessible library and related services to clients residing in West Sonoma County, and continuing the partnership between the library joint powers authority and the County.  In addition, the County does not foresee need the Building because there is no other proposed use for the site during the time period of the proposed lease, and under the lease the County reserves the right to use the premises in the event of an emergency.




Strategic Plan:

This item directly supports the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan and is aligned with the following pillar, goal, and objective.


Pillar: Resilient Infrastructure

Goal: Goal 2: Invest in capital systems to ensure continuity of operations and disaster response.

Objective: Objective 2: Invest in electric power resiliency projects at County facilities, including Veteran’s Buildings, used for evacuation sites, warming/cooling centers, or as alternate work facilities for delivery of critical services.


Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

April 15, 2014 - Approval of First Amended and Restated Sonoma County Library Joint Powers Agreement


Fiscal Summary


FY 23-24 Adopted

FY 24-25 Projected

FY 25-26 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF








Fees/Other (Library matching funds)




Use of Fund Balance




Contingencies (District 5 Infrastructure funds)




Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

This grant award consists of $382,171 in state funds, with a local match of $286,629, for a total amount of $668,800 for the project. The County Library (74805-72010403-54405) will provide 50% of the local match funding ($143,314.50), with the remaining 50% ($143,314.50) provided by the County Center Modernization/Deferred Maintenance Fund.  Expenditures for FY 23/24 are estimated at $28,800 and are available in currently approved budget appropriations. Remaining project costs contributed by SPI ($114,514.50) will be programmed into the FY 24/25 & FY 25/26 Recommended Budgets or brought to the Board through the quarterly Consolidated Budget Adjustment process. The County Library has submitted a letter to the County confirming their availability of the local match.


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




1 - Resolution

2 - California State Library Intent to Award

3 - Guerneville Library Site Plan

4 - Approved Extension Request


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: