To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure
Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Third, Fifth
Professional Services Agreement with T.Y. Lin International - Todd Road and Standish Avenue Intersection Improvements Project
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a professional services agreement with T.Y. Lin International, LLC (T.Y. Lin), with a term ending December 31, 2025, for design, engineering and environmental services in an amount not to exceed $210,302.57, which includes a 10% contingency, for intersection realignment and signalization, roadway safety, and bicycle/pedestrian improvements in connection with the Todd Road and Standish Avenue Intersection Project (C19002) (Third and Fifth District).
Executive Summary:
In 2020, the Department of Transportation and Public Works (now, Public Infrastructure) (the “Department”) released a task order for on-call project development services for the Todd Road and Standish Avenue Intersection Improvements Project (“Project”). T.Y. Lin was chosen from multiple consultant proposals based on the firm’s qualifications and project staff experience. T.Y. Lin has worked on completing the project plans and the environmental documents to meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On May 9, 2023 your Board approved accepting a $2.2M construction grant for the Project from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program. OBAG is federal funding which will require compliance with federal project development procedures and, in particular, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. The on-call agreement through which T.Y. Lin was previously awarded a task order has expired and the Department is recommending a new contract with T.Y. Lin to complete the design, engineering and environmental services associated with the Todd Road and Standish Avenue Intersection Improvements (Project C19002).
In 2019 the Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department (SPI) began feasibility and preliminary design work at the intersection of Todd Road and Standish Avenue. Planned improvements include realignment of Ghilloti Avenue, signalization of the newly established intersection, installation of ADA curb ramps, extending sidewalks out from the intersection, striping for Class II bike lanes, installation of crosswalks and more. In July 2020, the Department awarded a $245,140 task order to T.Y. Lin International utilizing an on-call engineering/design contract awarded by the Board on May 8, 2018.
While T.Y. Lin began work on design and environmental work for the project, SPI staff worked to secure funding through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program. During the period the Department was seeking additional funding for the Project, T.Y. Lin’s on call services contract expired on November 8, 2022, with approximately $40,000 unexpended. Based on award of Federal funding through the OBAG additional engineering and design work is now required to meet National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.
Based on those requirements, SPI staff is recommending a new contract with T.Y. Lin which will provide continuity of service, accelerate the project delivery schedule and reduce costs. T.Y. Lin has designed the Project up to 95% completion and is well-versed in the Project’s design details and environmental issues, making it the ideal choice to complete the final design portion of the Project and additional environmental work. A single source waiver has been approved by County Purchasing for this contract.
For these reasons, the Department recommends approval of a professional services agreement with T.Y. Lin in the amount of $191,184.15, plus a 10% contingency, for a total amount not to exceed $210,302.57, with a term through December 31, 2025, for design, engineering and environmental work in connection with the Todd Road and Standish Avenue Intersection Improvements Project. The contract will be sourced through traditional roads funding including Highway Users Tax Account (HUTA) and Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) funds. Total engineering and design costs for this project represent the County’s local match requirement of $400,000 for the OBAG construction grant.
While the primary objective of this project is intersection realignment and signalization there are also several elements of this project intended to enhance bicycle and pedestrian travel. These elements are consistent with the SPI’s goal of improving bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the County. Examples of other bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects include construction of sidewalks on Mark West Road in the Larkfield/Wikiup area, engineering, design, and right of way acquisition for bike lanes on Arnold Drive, drafting of an Active Transportation Plan in Forestville, and construction of the Crocker Road bike and pedestrian bridge over the Russian River in Cloverdale.
Strategic Plan:
This item directly supports the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan and is aligned with the following pillar, goal, and objective.
Pillar: Resilient Infrastructure
Goal: Goal 3: Continue to invest in critical road, bridge, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure.
Objective: Objective 1: Continue to maintain road segments, including designated turnouts where feasible, increase efforts on vegetation removal and drainage features, and improve pavement conditions in neighborhoods.
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
5/9/2023 - Resolution of Local Support and Resolution of Compliance with State Housing Law for the Sonoma County One Bay Area Grant 3
5/8/2018 - On-Call Design Services Agreements for Road and Bridge Infrastructure Improvement Projects
Fiscal Summary
Expenditures |
FY 23-24 Adopted |
FY24-25 Projected |
FY 25-26 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
$140,201 |
$70,102 |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
Total Expenditures |
$140,201 |
$70,102 |
Funding Sources |
General Fund/WA GF |
State/Federal |
Fees/Other |
Use of Fund Balance |
$140,201 |
$70,102 |
Contingencies |
Total Sources |
$140,201 |
$70,102 |
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
Expenditures for the proposed contract are estimated at $210,302.57 for the term of the Agreement. Appropriations for $140,201 were included in the FY 2023-24 Roads Capital adopted budget (11051-34010103) and future costs will be included in the FY 2024-25 Roads Recommended Budget. Because the design work for this project represents the County’s local match for the OBAG 3 construction grant, funding for this contract will include allocations from HUTA and SB1.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
Single Source Waiver
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