File #: 2021-1152   
Type: Appointment Status: Passed
File created: 10/5/2021 In control: Human Services
On agenda: 6/13/2022 Final action: 6/13/2022
Title: Approve the Re-Appointment of Robin Bartholow, Steve Herrington, and Thomas Stuebner to the Sonoma County Workforce Investment Board for a two-year term beginning June 13, 2022, and ending June 13, 2023.
Department or Agency Name(s): Human Services
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Membership.pdf

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Human Services

Staff Name and Phone Number: Katie Greaves, 707-565-8501

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide


Recommended Action:


Approve the Re-Appointment of Robin Bartholow, Steve Herrington, and Thomas Stuebner to the Sonoma County Workforce Investment Board for a two-year term beginning June 13, 2022, and ending June 13, 2023.



Executive Summary:

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Workforce Act) is a federal law designed to prepare youth and adults for entry into the labor force. The Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and its career center, Job Link, provide support to Sonoma County job seekers and businesses by providing services such as workshops and job fairs to connect those looking for work with businesses in need of workers.


The Workforce Act requires all local regions to create a board comprised of local business and community members to oversee and implement the Workforce Act. The Workforce Act requires the appointment of a policy oversight body, and the Sonoma County WIB serves in this capacity for Sonoma County. As required by the Workforce Act, this board item seeks the reappointment of three current WIB members.



The Sonoma County WIB serves as the policy oversight body for Sonoma County Employment and Training programs. In accordance with the written agreement between the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and the WIB, the WIB reviews and approves candidates’ applications for membership and forwards its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for final approval and appointment.


The WIB consists of member categories in compliance with Workforce Act regulation. Business seats must make up the majority and are comprised of representatives of business in the local area who are either owners, chief executives, or operating officers; those that represent businesses that provide employment opportunities that include high-quality, work-relevant training and development in the in-demand industry sectors or occupations; or those that are appointed from among individuals nominated by local business organizations and business trade associations. There are 15 business seats on the WIB representing 52% of the Board.


Not less than 20% of the members of each local board must be representatives of the workforce within the local area, including representatives of labor organizations, apprenticeships, community-based organizations that have experience and expertise in addressing the employment needs of individuals with barriers to employment, and representatives of organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of youth. Within this workforce representative category, a minimum of 15% of the seats must represent labor organizations. There are eight workforce representative member seats on the WIB, constituting 24% of the Board. Five of these seats represent labor, constituting 17% of the Board.


Each local board must include representatives of entities administering education and training activities, including those administering adult education and literacy activities; representatives of institutions of higher education, including community colleges; and representatives of local educational agencies and community-based organizations addressing the education or training needs of individuals with barriers to employment. There are two education and training seats on the WIB.


Each local board must include representatives of governmental, economic and community development entities, including an appropriate representative from the state employment service office; an appropriate representative of the programs carried out under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; representatives of agencies administering transportation, housing, and public assistance programs; a representative of economic and community development entities; and representatives of philanthropic organizations serving the local area. There are currently three governmental, economic and community development seats on the WIB.


The WIB seeks business members who have expertise in Sonoma County’s important or emerging employment sectors such as health care, hospitality, and the building and trades. Applications are reviewed by the WIB’s Executive Committee and are then recommended to the Board of Supervisors for appointment. Current members in good standing are recommended for reappointment at the end of their term.


Efforts to fill the WIB seats are ongoing through referrals from current members and outreach to businesses, the public, workforce, and private nonprofit organizations. HSD also works closely with the Economic Development Board to identify business members appropriate for the business seats on the WIB.


Member Reappointments

Staff recommends reappointment of Robin Bartholow, Steven Herrington, and Thomas Stuebner.


Robin Bartholow is the Deputy Executive Director at the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Previously she was the Workforce Development Director at the North Coast Builders Exchange in Santa Rosa for fourteen years. In addition to her work encouraging and enabling students to pursue a career in construction, she was also Executive Director of CHOICES, the high school drop-out prevention program sponsored by the Builders Exchange and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Robin Bartholow fills one of the fifteen Business seats on the WIB.


Steven Herrington is the elected Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools, overseeing educational services for students from pre-kindergarten through high school. Prior to his election, he was superintendent of the Windsor Unified School District. Under his direction, schools and districts have earned awards for creating neighborhood family literacy centers, educating students to be environmental stewards, and making a difference in the lives of children and their families. Mr. Herrington fills one of fifteen Business seats on the WIB.


Thomas Stuebner is the Chief Executive Director of California Human Development Corporation, which has been providing workforce development training to farmworkers and low-income individuals for over fifty years throughout Anthony Soto Employment and Training (ASET) Centers. Their mission is to create pathways to help people rise out of poverty and overcome barriers to employment and full community participation. Mr. Stuebner fills one of eight Workforce Representative seats on the WIB.


Prior Board Actions:

March 22, 2022: Appointed one new member to the WIB.

October 26, 2021:  Reappointed eight members to the WIB.

June 8, 2021: Appointed one new member and reappointed nine members to the WIB.

November 10, 2020: Reappointed ten members to the WIB.

May 12, 2020: Appointed one new member and reappointed three members to the WIB.


Fiscal Summary

Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




Proposed Workforce Investment Board Membership Roster


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
