File #: 2019-0588   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/17/2019 In control: General Services
On agenda: 6/4/2019 Final action:
Title: Authorization of Reimbursable Agreement with Sonoma Clean Power for Advanced Energy Center Support Services
Department or Agency Name(s): General Services
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Att1-Pro Forma Professional Services Agreement with SCPA

To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): General Services

Staff Name and Phone Number: Christine Condon, 707-565-2125

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): All




Authorization of Reimbursable Agreement with Sonoma Clean Power for Advanced Energy Center Support Services



Recommended Actions:

Recommended action

A)                     Delegate authority to the Director of General Services to execute an agreement, in form approved by County Counsel, with Sonoma Clean Power Authority (“SCP”) for the General Services Department to provide professional support services for the SCP Advanced Energy Center. The cost of all services shall be reimbursed by SCP, with up to $75,000 in services to be rendered. The term end date shall be June 30, 2022. This agreement will enable the County of Sonoma, through the General Services Department, to facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency improvements throughout Sonoma County with education and training, rebates and financing.  These improvements will reduce energy consumption and operating costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support workforce development and employment in the green construction industry for County residents and business owners.

B)                     Authorize the General Services Director to execute amendments to the agreement with SCP, in a form approved by County Counsel, to receive additional funds that may become available for additional such services.



Executive Summary:

Staff requests authorization for the Director of General Services to execute an agreement with SCP for the County General Services Department’s Energy and Sustainability Division to provide professional support for the Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) Advanced Energy Center (AEC) through June 30, 2022.


SCP is opening the Advanced Energy Center in the fall of 2019 in downtown Santa Rosa so the public can learn about, test and purchase the energy efficiency technology for their homes. The AEC will feature a large demonstration area that will house a variety of technologies including heating and air conditioning systems, induction stovetops, daylighting retrofits, insulation materials, heat pump water heaters, daily use appliances, battery storage and more.  The AEC will allow the public to test these emerging technologies, see the measureable energy savings and learn about financial benefits, ask questions of qualified staff and schedule an installation appointment with a certified contractor. Most technologies in the AEC will be new to the energy market, so the AEC will be providing educational and certification courses for designers and contractors. The AEC will also have an area dedicated to educating K-12 visitors. The space will have its own library equipped with computers and resources to help the next generation learn about climate change, renewable energy and environmental stewardship.


Under the agreement, Division staff will assist staffing the Advanced Energy Center, assist with energy efficiency technical customer service and educational program support. These services will complement and enhance other energy efficiency programs and services offered by the County General Services Energy and Sustainability Division.



The Advanced Energy Center storefront will provide customers the opportunity to learn about appliances and methods of reducing energy use.  The storefront will be located at 741 4th Street, Santa Rosa and is being funded by a California Energy Commission (CEC) Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Program grant for three years. It will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., daily except holidays. It is anticipated that the Center will assist some individuals with fire recovery rebuilding efforts and navigating through appliance choices. The Sonoma Clean Power Advanced Energy Center professional support services program aligns with and supports the goals and objectives associated with Assembly Bill 32, Assembly Bill 1109, and the Sonoma County Community Climate Action Plan. By promoting and facilitating the implementation of energy reduction projects and raising awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of such activities, the County will continue to demonstrate commitment and leadership in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for County operations and the community. 

Through continued partnership with Sonoma Clean Power Authority, the General Services Department Energy and Sustainability Division (“ESD”) will improve upon its service delivery, increase outreach efforts, and continue serving the public with projects that result in greenhouse gas reductions and promote energy efficiency to enhance Sonoma County’s community and environment.

This agreement leverages the impact of current energy efficiency and sustainability programs that the ESD manages including the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program, Sonoma Clean Power Commercial Energy Auditing Program, Sonoma County Energy Watch, BayREN and Green Business Programs.


The agreement is a contract for a total of $75,000 in services through June 2022. During the agreement term, ESD will provide professional support services for the Sonoma Clean Power Advanced Energy Center.

Under the agreement, ESD staff will provide the following services:

1.                     Assist with staffing the Advanced Energy Center

2.                     Technical energy efficiency customer service support

3.                     Coordination of programs, incentives and other related services

4.                     Educational training program development and promotional support

5.                     Assist in teaching and coordination of scheduling training instructors

The agreement form is currently being finalized between ESD and SCP staff. The final agreement will be substantially in the form of the pro forma attached to this Summary. SCP is scheduled to bring the final agreement to its governing board for approval in June 2019.

Objectives of the Program

Services under the proposed SCP agreement would be part of and complement the County’s other energy efficiency educational programs. These services leverage the General Services Department’s experience and success working with constituents and implementing environmental programs. The services complement existing programs and expose more County residents to the other energy and sustainability services and programs available through ESD.


Prior Board Actions:



Fiscal Summary


FY 18-19 Adopted

FY19-20 Projected

FY 20-21 Projected

FY 21-22 Projected

Budgeted Expenses





Additional Appropriation Requested





Total Expenditures





Funding Sources





General Fund/WA GF















Use of Fund Balance










Total Sources






Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

Staff resource costs required to perform the agreement will be reimbursed by SCP and paid on a time and materials/expenses basis. The agreement establishes a not to exceed limit of $75,000 that will be reimbursed to County for services performed. The County shall invoice SCP on a monthly basis.


Staffing Impacts:




Position Title (Payroll Classification)

Monthly Salary Range (A - I Step)

Additions (number)

Deletions (number)














Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):

The Sonoma Clean Power Advanced Energy Center Support Professional Services Agreement supports funding for ESD staffing. No staffing impacts are expected.



Attachment 1: Pro Forma Professional Services Agreement with Sonoma Clean Power Authority


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
