File #: 2023-0735   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/25/2023 In control: Human Resources
On agenda: 6/12/2023 Final action: 6/12/2023
Title: Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Sonoma and the Sonoma County Public Defender Investigators' Association
Department or Agency Name(s): Human Resources
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Resolution, 3. Attachment A - Tentative Agreement- Successor MOU, 4. Attachment B – Four GC §31515.5 Pension Disclosure Letters from Segal Consulting dated June 7, 2023

To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Human Resources Department

Staff Name and Phone Number: Jeremia Mills, 707-565-3228

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide




Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Sonoma and the Sonoma County Public Defender Investigators’ Association



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

Adopt a Resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Sonoma and the Sonoma County Public Defender Investigators’ Association (SCPDIA) for the period June 12, 2023 through June 17, 2026.



Executive Summary:

Representatives of the County and the Sonoma County Deputy Public Defender Investigators’ Association (SCPDIA) met and conferred and reached a tentative agreement regarding negotiated changes to the terms and conditions of employment for a successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be effective June 12, 2023, through June 17, 2026, hereinafter referred to as the Tentative Agreement (Attachment A).


The SCPDIA membership has voted and ratified the Tentative Agreement.


All changes negotiated for the 2023-2026 successor MOU (Tentative Agreement) must be noticed at a public meeting (Cal Gov’t Code 23026) and becomes effective upon adoption by the Board of Supervisors, unless otherwise specified in the Tentative Agreement.  The actuarial valuation of the impacts of salary changes in the Tentative Agreement on the funding status of the Sonoma County Employees Retirement Association (SCERA) are outlined below and in Attachment B (Cal Gov’t Code §7507 and §31515.5).



Representatives of the County and SCPDIA met and conferred and reached tentative agreements regarding the terms and conditions of employment, for a three-year term.


The following is a summary of the major provisions negotiated in this agreement:


Term of Successor MOU:

June 12, 2023 - June 17, 2026


Salary - Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA):

During the three-year term, all job classifications covered by this MOU will be provided an annual cost-of-living adjustment based upon the following schedule:


                     Effective June 13, 2023 - 5% COLA

                     Effective May 14, 2024 - 5% COLA

                     Effective May 13, 2025 - 3.5% COLA

                     Effective January 1, 2024, the 8-hour Floating Holiday will be discontinued in consideration of salary increases in Year 2.


Health & Welfare:

The County’s monthly contribution towards medical plan premiums will be based upon the following schedule:


Effective Date

June 13, 2023

May 14, 2024

May 13, 2025

Employee Only




Employee + 1




Employee + 2 or more




                     Discontinue County Health Plan PPO and EPO to new enrollments


Various Economics

                     Makes changes to Overtime Compensation maximum accruals and cash out provisions

                     Bilingual Premium: County established a $1.50 per hour premium on all paid status hours for employees in a fluent bilingual assignment


Time Off/Leaves:

                     Adds qualifying family members for using sick leave and Paid Parental Leave

                     Ensures employees properly move to COBRA benefits when on unpaid leaves


Staff Development/Wellness:

                     Provides a $250 increase in annual Staff Development Allowance for all members effective July 1, 2023


Miscellaneous Changes:

                     Updates and clarifies various articles/sections

                     De-genders contract language consistent with the County’s pillars, goals and objectives

                     Reopener to meet and discuss State Disability Insurance (SDI) to occur by October 31, 2024


Government Code Compliance Requirements:

Various provisions of the California Government Code require certain disclosures before the Board can adopt changes in salaries or benefits, with additional disclosures required for changes in pension and other post-employment benefits. Any changes in salaries and benefits must be adopted at a public meeting of the Board (Cal Gov’t Code §23026).  Notice of the consideration of such increases must be provided prior to the meeting and shall include “an explanation of the financial impact that the proposed benefit change or salary increase will have on the funding status of the county employees' retirement system.” (Cal Gov’t Code §31515.5). 

In addition, when considering changes in retirement benefits or other postemployment benefits, the Board “shall secure the services of an actuary to provide a statement of the actuarial impact upon future annual costs, including normal cost and any additional accrued liability, before authorizing changes in public retirement plan benefits or other postemployment benefits.” (Cal Gov’t Code §7507.

This staff report recommends the Board adopt changes in the SCPDIA MOU, including changes to salary and benefit contributions only, with no changes to pension or other post-employment benefits(retiree medical).

Segal Valuation Analysis of Market/Equity Adjustments

Based on the analysis conducted by Segal Consulting (Segal), the actuaries for the Sonoma County Employees Retirement Association (SCERA), the net impact over the three-year MOU term results in an increase in the County’s annual contributions, as the actuarial assumptions included in prior valuations are not sufficient to cover the costs of all negotiated cost of living and equity adjustments over the three-year term. 

The analysis compares proposed labor changes to the following Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA) adopted salary assumptions:

                     3.25 % applied to the December 31, 2020 valuation used to establish employer and employee pension contribution rates for FY 2022-23

                     3.0 % applied to the December 31, 2021 Actuarial Valuation used to establish employer and employee pension contribution rates for FY 2023-24, and was used to illustrate the potential cost impact of salary increases in FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26


The actuarial assumption variations from year to year offset some annual increases and decreases, resulting in a net increase of $13,000 over the three-year term of the MOU.  Staff’s review of the average annual increase spread over the current and next three fiscal years is approx. $3,250, which should not materially impact the ongoing cost of the plan or the funding status of SCERA. Segal’s analysis of the annual impact for each of the three years of the MOU are included in Attachment B.  The following table summarizes the annual impact and net overall increased County costs over the four fiscal years:


Change in Annual Employer  Normal Cost

Change in Annual UAAL* amortized cost

Total Annual Increased Contribution




(a + b )

 Remaining 2022/23

+ $400



Year 1 - 2023/24




Year 2 - 2024/25




Year 3 - 2025/26




Net Increased Costs over 3 year term

+ $5,000



                     Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability


Strategic Plan:

This item directly supports the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan and is aligned with all the pillars, goals, and objectives.


Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

February 4, 2020: Approved Successor MOU, Resolution #20-0032
October 9, 2018: Approved Art. 16 of SCPDIA MOU, Resolution #18-0422

September 25, 2018: Approved Extension to SCPDIA MOU, Resolution #18-0404

September 25, 2018: Reviewed proposed changes to Article 16, pursuant to GC §7507

May 24, 2016, the Board adopted the 2016/2018 SCPDIA MOU, Resolution #16-0215


Fiscal Summary


FY 22-23 Adopted

FY23-24 Projected

FY 24-25 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance








Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

The successor MOU represents a total estimated operational cost increase for FY 2022/23 of $2,801. Current year unanticipated costs are expected to be absorbed within existing appropriations. The CAO staff will work with departments at year-end close should additional appropriations be necessary. The FY 2023/24 recommended budget includes appropriations for anticipated labor costs. Adjustments to individual departmental budget appropriations will be made during consolidated budget adjustments as necessary and future costs for FY 2024-25 will be incorporated into the recommended budget. 


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):

Not applicable



1.                     Resolution

2.                     Attachment A - Signed Tentative Agreement- Successor MOU

3.                     Attachment B - Four GC §31515.5 Pension Disclosure Letters from Segal Consulting dated June 7, 2023


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
