To: County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): County Administrator’s Office
Staff Name and Phone Number: Christina Rivera, 707-565-2048
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Countywide
Department Head Personal Services Agreement - Director of Human Resources
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
Authorize the County Administrator to execute a Personal Services Agreement with Janell Crane as the Director of Human Resources for a three-year term, beginning June 13, 2023, at the “E” step in the position’s salary range, including other County benefits and compensation as provided in Salary Resolution 95-0926.
Executive Summary:
The salary and benefits provided to County department and agency heads must be considered by the Board of Supervisors at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Further, an oral summary of the salary and benefits recommended action must be presented at the meeting where the final Board action is taken. (California Government code §54953, 54956)
The County Administrator recommends the appointment of Janell Crane as the new Director of Human Resources, and the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute the Personal Services Agreement effective June 13, 2023, for a three-year term through June 13, 2026. The Director of Human Resources reports to the County Administrator. The agreement places Ms. Crane at the “E” step of the salary range for the job classification. In addition to the annual salary, other benefits and compensation are provided as prescribed by Salary Resolution 95-0926.
The Director of Human Resources reports to the County Administrator and supports County departments and special districts through three service areas: Human Resources Services, Employee Benefits, and Risk Management Services.
• Human Resources Services is responsible for recruitment, classification and compensation administration, employee and labor relations, the County’s workforce development program, ensuring equal opportunity employment, and the County’s Human Resources Information System (HRIS).
• Employee Benefits is responsible for managing employee benefits programs and non-pension retiree benefit programs.
• Risk Management Services is responsible for all self-insured and purchased insurance programs, administering self-insured tort claims and litigation filed against the County, and Worker’s Compensation and leave management programs.
The Department and Director oversees the administration of the County’s Civil Service System with the Director serving as the Secretary to the Commission. The Commissions on the Status of Women, and Human Rights, are also under the umbrella of the Human Resources Department.
The Human Resource Department has a fiscal year budget of approximately $123.7 million and 65 full-time equivalent employees.
As a result of the resignation of the Director of Human Resources in January 2023, then County Administrator Sheryl Bratton appointed Janell Crane, Deputy Human Resources Director, as Interim Director of Human Resources. As Interim Director, Ms. Crane has successfully led human resources and risk management operations for the County, the largest employer in Sonoma County with over 4,300 full-time equivalent positions. Her responsibility includes
overseeing bargaining with the County’s 11 labor unions and associations, several of which have recently successfully concluded with the Board’s approval of successor Memorandums of Understanding. She continues to oversee the remaining negotiations.
Ms. Crane is a seasoned personnel leader with nearly three decades of experience in human resources and risk management. Ms. Crane joined the County’s General Services Department in 1995 as an analyst in its Risk Management Division, which was transferred to the Human Resources Department in 2006. Ms. Crane was promoted to Liability Manager in 2011, and Risk Manager in 2018, leading the unit that oversees the County’s self-insurance and insurance programs, claims administration, and risk mitigation services. She was named Deputy Director of Human Resources in 2020, and Interim Director in January 2023.
The Personal Services Agreement places Ms. Crane at the “E” step of the salary range, which is $195,108 annually, with a term of June 13, 2023, to June 13, 2026. It includes all other benefits and compensation as prescribed in the County’s Salary Resolution 95-0926.
Strategic Plan:
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
Fiscal Summary
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the Human Resources Department’s budget for approving the recommended action. The salary and benefit costs of the Director are already programmed within the FY 2022-23 countywide budget.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
Personal Services Agreement - Director of Human Resources
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: