File #: 2023-1292   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/9/2023 In control: Public Infrastructure
On agenda: 12/12/2023 Final action:
Title: Main Adult Detention Facility (MADF) Site ADA Improvements
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. MADF Site Plan Showing ADA Improvements.pdf

To: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure

Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz-SPI, 707-565-2550

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Fourth




Main Adult Detention Facility (MADF) Site ADA Improvements



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

Approve reallocation of $382,755 in General Fund from the interior Main Adult Detention Facility (MADF) F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal project to the new exterior MADF ADA Site Improvements project ($261,261), and to the Main ADA SETP Improvements Fund ($121,494). (Fourth District)



Executive Summary:

Sonoma Public Infrastructure (SPI) is continuing to complete Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements on the County’s Self Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP). A design has been completed and permitted to make the necessary improvements to the interior of the Main Adult Detention Facility (MADF) in F Module, however at this time inmates cannot be moved to complete the work safely due to a lack of available staffing. To continue making ADA improvements and completing items from the SETP, Public Infrastructure recommends the Board authorize reallocation of the $382,755 from the Board-approved interior MADF F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal project. Part of the reallocated funds would be allocated to a new project, consisting of  exterior ADA improvements to the staff parking lot and path of travel to the staff entrance, in the amount of $261,261. The remaining $121,494 in funds will be reallocated to the Main SETP Improvements ADA Fund for allocation to other ADA improvements to County facilities.



The “MADF F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal” project was originally approved for funding through the annual Capital Projects budget process. This project was created to address the ADA improvements for the interior of the MADF. However, the “MADF F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal” project has been postponed indefinitely due to a lack of available Sheriff staff to secure the proposed construction area for facilitating the Contractor, MADF staff, and inmates. Based on these staffing constraints, SPI staff is requesting that the existing $382,755 in “MADF F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal” project funds be re-allocated, toward a different scope of the MADF ADA project which will be mainly focusing on the exterior portion of the MADF.


The new project would consist of ADA improvements to the parking lot and path of travel to the staff entrance of the MADF needed to meet ADA code. This new MADF Site ADA Improvement project is estimated at $261,261 and would include the following work:


                     Demolition of the existing non-compliant asphalt ADA parking stall and replacing it with a concrete parking stall with the required signage and striping. 

                     Installation of detectable warning surfaces (truncated domes) at 5 locations where a pedestrian will be entering a vehicular area. 

                     Removal of the existing curb ramp on the path of travel and installation of an ADA compliant curb ramp.

                     Several sections of the sidewalk on the path of travel exceeding the maximum allowable cross slope will be removed and replaced with sections containing code required slopes.


Although the above ADA improvements are identified in the County’s SETP, funds have yet to be allocated for this project.  If approved by the Board, $261,261 of the $382,755 in available funds will be redirected to exterior ADA improvements to the MADF, and $121,494 will be returned to the Main SETP Improvements ADA Fund for use on existing or future Board approved ADA projects. Future ADA priorities are assessed and included as part of the proposed annual capital project plan.


With regards to the MADF F-Mod ADA Barrier Removal project, when the Sheriff can accommodate the construction safely, SPI will obtain an updated cost estimate and will prioritize recommending future Capital Improvement ADA annual allocated funding through the annual Capital Projects budget process to re-establish funding for the project.  


Strategic Plan:



Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

FY2023-24: Capital Projects Budget allocating $50,000 to the MADF F Mod project for inflation due to delays.

FY2019-20: Capital Projects Budget allocating $1,600,000 for County ADA Barrier Removal


Fiscal Summary


FY 23-24 Adopted

FY 24-25 Projected

FY 25-26 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance








Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

The MADF F-Mod ADA project currently has a balance of $382,755 of which $261,261 will be re-allocated to address exterior MADF ADA improvements while the remaining $121,494 will be returned to the main ADA capital project for addressing future ADA projects.


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




MADF Site Plan Showing ADA Improvements


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
