To: Board of Directors, Sonoma County Water Agency
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Water Agency
Staff Name and Phone Number: Chris Delaney 707-547-1946
Vote Requirement: 4/5th
Supervisorial District(s): All
Russian River Watershed Resiliency Plan Pilot Program
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
A) Adopt a Resolution authorizing Sonoma County Water Agency’s General Manager to execute a grant agreement, and any amendments thereto, with the State of California Department of Water Resources in the amount of $2,000,000 to develop a resiliency plan for the Russian River watershed and portions of Sonoma Water’s service area; submit any documents, invoices, and reports required to obtain grant funding; and take all actions necessary to carry out the project and implement the grant agreement.
B) Adopt a Resolution authorizing adjustments to the Board Adopted Budget for FY 2023/2024 for the Russian River Projects Fund in the amount of $30,000. (4/5th Vote Required)
Executive Summary:
The Russian River watershed and Sonoma County Water Agency have been selected by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to receive $2,000,000 in grant funds to participate in a pilot program through a new DWR Watershed Resilience Grant Program. The Watershed Resilience Program (Program) seeks to build upon DWR’s Integrated Regional Water Management Program, placing a stronger emphasis on climate vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, watershed-based planning, multi-sector collaboration, and equity and inclusiveness. Pilot project findings and results will help launch the state-wide grant program in late 2024.
The Russian River watershed sprawls across about 1,500 square miles, encompassing forests, farmlands, and urban areas within Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. Meandering for 110 miles from its origins close to Redwood Valley and Potter Valley, the primary stretch of the river ultimately meets the Pacific Ocean near Jenner. Hosting a population of around 360,000 residents, the watershed boasts 238 streams and creeks, as well as a diverse aquatic ecosystem housing 63 distinct fish species. Among these species are the Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, and Steelhead trout designated as threatened or endangered.
Throughout the state, local and regional water management infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with the rapid changes brought about by climate change. The recent extremes of droughts and floods have exposed the vulnerabilities of this infrastructure. Recognizing the urgency posed by climate change and its evolving challenges, the State aims to enhance regional climate resilience through integrated watershed management. Strategic investments are essential to support planning and projects at the watershed scale, enabling communities to respond and adapt effectively.
The watershed resilience approach aligns with the Newsom Administration priorities, including the Governor's Water Supply Strategy (2021) and California Water Resilience Portfolio (2020). Emphasizing climate urgency, regional resilience, integrated resource management, and nature-based solutions, this approach focuses strongly on both resilience and equity. Leveraging and enhancing coordination between existing programs and collaborations, such as established Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) groups and Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, is key. Over the past two decades, the IRWM approach has built a solid foundation for the type of watershed networks envisioned by the Program.
To further advance regional climate resilience, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is introducing the Program through the 2023 Update to the California Water Plan. This Program seeks to build upon the Integrated Regional Water Management Program, placing a stronger emphasis on climate vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, watershed-based planning, multi-sector collaboration, and equity and inclusiveness. It builds upon the collaborative governance and regional planning achievements of IRWM, forming a solid foundation for future efforts.
The vision of the Program is to support and assist locally driven watershed networks throughout diverse regions of California in their endeavors to:
• Conduct quantitative assessments to understand multi-sector climate vulnerabilities and achieve regional climate resilience at the watershed scale,
• Enhance coordination across all water management sectors at the watershed scale, and
• Integrate equity considerations throughout the process to ensure equitable outcomes.
Before implementing the Program state-wide, DWR is piloting the program in five diverse watersheds that were selected in the fall of 2023. DWR has approximately $10M available for conducting the pilot projects. State funding will be awarded by directed expenditure. Directed expenditures are specific projects awarded funding at the discretion of the DWR Director outside of a public proposal solicitation process. The Russian River watershed was identified as one of the watersheds to participate in the pilot program, and Sonoma Water was chosen to lead the pilot effort.
Benefits of Pilot Participation
There are several key benefits to participants in the pilot projects:
• Opportunity to conduct rigorous, water sector climate vulnerability assessments at a watershed scale that build on existing regional work.
• Flexible program meant to help advance current regional goals.
• Accelerated funding process doesn’t require application preparation (see description of award process below).
• Opportunity to provide DWR with feedback early in the program development.
• Opportunity to collaborate with DWR in developing a Watershed Hub to track climate risks and inform adaptive management.
Sonoma Water is currently working with DWR to finalize the scope of work for the pilot project. In order to move forward with the pilot project and accept the grant award, DWR requires a resolution of Sonoma Water’s Board of Directors authorizing the General Manager to sign the grant agreement with DWR, submit required documents, invoices, and reports, and to take all actions necessary to carry out the project and implement the grant project. The final Board resolution will be included in the grant agreement, so it must be approved before the agreement can be executed by either party.
The total project cost is estimated to be $2,651,000. The DWR grant will reimburse expenses up to $2 million-including labor and contractual-incurred by Sonoma Water to develop the watershed plan and participate in the pilot program. The grant term is for two years, and costs incurred after February 13, 2024 are eligible for grant reimbursement. Project costs exceeding the $2 million grant will be budgeted in the Russian River Projects fund.
County Strategic Plan:
Sonoma Water Strategic Plan Alignment
This item directly supports Sonoma Water’s Strategic Plan and is aligned with the following goal, strategy, and action item.
Goal: 5. Climate Change - Assess risk and uncertainty of climate change, and develop and take actions that improve resiliency and sustainability.
Strategy: 5.1 Develop and implement practices to understand and minimize vulnerability to climate change impacts.
Action Item: 5.1.1 Ensure alignment with the Board-approved Climate Adaptation Plan by establishing interdiscipinary climate resilience teams.
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
Fiscal Summary
Expenditures |
FY23-24 Adopted |
FY24-25 Projected |
FY25-26 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
$1,500,000 |
$1,121,000 |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
$30,000 |
Total Expenditures |
$30,000 |
$1,500,000 |
$1,121,000 |
Funding Sources |
General Fund/WA GF |
State/Federal |
$1,406,000 |
$594,000 |
Fees/Other |
$30,000 |
$94,000 |
$527,000 |
Use of Fund Balance |
General Fund Contingencies |
Total Sources |
$30,000 |
$1,500,000 |
$1,121,000 |
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
Additional appropriations in the amount of $30,000 from the Russian River Projects Fund are required to process this expense. State of California Department of Water Resources grant funds will offset $2,000,000 in future years. Expenses for the life of the project are estimated to be $2,651,000. FY 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 appropriations will be budgeted in those fiscal years.
Staffing Impacts: |
Position Title (Payroll Classification) |
Monthly Salary Range (A-I Step) |
Additions (Number) |
Deletions (Number) |
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
1. Authorizing Resolution
2. Budgetary Resolution
3. Grant Agreement Template
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