File #: 2024-1302   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/24/2024 In control: Public Infrastructure
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action:
Title: Approval of Phase 1A Construction for Airport Apron C Rehabilitation Project at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport.
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Amendment - CMAR Apron Phase 1A Draft Restructure 120924, 3. CONTRACT 9.26.23 Item 14 Apron C Pre-Construction Contract_signed, 4. Mead & Hunt Task Order 15, 5. Task Order_6 DRAFT

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure

Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz. 707-565-2550

Vote Requirement: 4/5th

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide




Approval of Phase 1A Construction for Airport Apron C Rehabilitation Project at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport.



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

A)                     Authorize and direct the Director of Sonoma County Public Infrastructure (SPI) to execute an amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract associated with reconstruction of Apron C at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (Airport) with Granite Construction to complete Phase 1A construction for a Guaranteed Maximum price of $3,993,297.

B)                     Delegate authority to the Director of SPI to execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $1,099,648 (27%) for contingency items and/or additional items of work included in the Federal Aviation Administration approved project scope or necessitated by differing site conditions.

C)                     Delegate authority to the Director of SPI to execute Task Order #6 with C&S Technical Resources Incorporated for construction management and observation services associated with the Phase 1A construction contract in the amount not to exceed $368,713.

D)                     Delegate Authority to the Director of SPI to execute Task Order #15 with Mead & Hunt for engineering and engineer of record services associated with the Phase 1A construction contract in an amount not to exceed $211,948.



Executive Summary:

The Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department, Airport Division (Airport), has secured grant funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to rehabilitate and expand Apron C at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport. Engineering and design for the project has been completed and the Airport is now requesting Board approval to delegate authority to the Director of SPI to execute an amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) agreement with Granite Construction to complete Phase 1A construction on the project. In addition to the Phase 1A CMAR contract amendment, the Airport is also requesting the Board delegate authority to the Director of SPI to execute task orders with C&S Technical Resources Incorporated (C&S) and Mead & Hunt for construction management/oversight and other professional services associated with the project.

If approved, the Director of SPI will issue a Notice to Proceed and execute a contract amendment with Granite Construction for a guaranteed maximum price of $3,993,297 for Phase 1A construction services. In addition, the Director of SPI will be authorized to execute change orders for Phase 1A of the project up to $1,099,648 for contingency items and/or additional items of work included in the Federal Aviation Administration approved project scope or necessitated by differing site conditions. Utilizing the Construction Manager at Risk method allows for greater collaboration and cost control but still requires flexibility for unanticipated expenses. This project has received FAA approved funding for some features for which costs have been estimated, but which have not been selected for completion yet pending site conditions. Increasing the contingency to 27% allows the airport to incorporate these approved features without the risk of delays or returning for additional approvals in the future. This proactive approach ensures that the airport delivers the project within the available approved budget while maintaining accountability and transparency among the project phases.  

To support Phase 1A construction activities the Airport is also requesting the Board authorize the Director to execute Task Order #6 with C&S for construction management and observation services in the amount not to exceed $368,713 as well as Task Order #15 with Mead and Hunt for engineering and engineer of record services in the amount not to exceed $211,948. SPI will return to the Board in 2025 for approval of future phases of construction as additional grant funding is received from the FAA.



An airline apron is an essential part of airport infrastructure, providing space for aircraft to be parked, loaded, unloaded, refueled, boarded, and maintained. Apron C at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport is used primarily to support commercial airline operations and was originally constructed in the early 1960’s. In 2015, approximately one-third of southern portion of the apron was rehabilitated. Since that time, commercial airline service has expanded significantly, and the regular use by commercial aircraft has resulted in continued deterioration of the remaining pavement in that area.

An evaluation of pavement condition was performed in 2021 for an Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) update. At the time of the survey, it was determined the remaining Apron C pavement was in very poor to serious condition, including cracking and weathering. Based on the results of the report and the increase in commercial airline service at the Airport, it was determined Apron C needed to be fully reconstructed and expanded from four (4) airplane parking positions to six (6) in order to provide adequate, safe, and functional infrastructure to support current Airport activity. The FAA concurred with the assessment and issued Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant 73 in May 2021 for $2,331,108 to initiate engineering and design work.

After completing preliminary engineering and design, on February 8, 2023, the Airport released a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract for this project. CMAR is a construction project delivery method which entails hiring a Construction Manager whose team is responsible for the delivery of the project, including constructability review, value engineering during design, and ultimately providing a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). The GMP is a cost-based agreement which establishes a not-to-exceed price for the project.

On September 26, 2023, the Board approved a CMAR pre-construction services contract with Granite Construction. Work covered under the pre-construction services contract included conducting studies, such as potholing, to investigate locations of underground utilities. The results of these studies provided insights for the construction portion of the project. During preconstruction planning, Granite also provided a phasing plan to match expected federal funding, which also allows all four aircraft parking positions to always remain usable and minimize impacts on operations and passengers. Under the CMAR project delivery method and pursuant to Contact Code section 20146, there is an expectation of using the same contractor to complete the construction phase(s) of the project, as the one selected to complete the pre-construction services, upon satisfactory determination of a GMP.

Based upon initial engineering estimates and preliminary negotiations with Granite, the FAA approved two grants (AIP 75 & 76) for Phase 1A of construction with a total value of $5,092,945.  Phase 1A of the project includes miscellaneous demolition, pavement removal, storm drain removal, temporary electrical modifications for phasing needs, electrical equipment removals, subgrade excavation and preparation, subgrade treatment, limited paving, pavement markings, new storm drain installation, underground infiltration/detention system installation, electrical infrastructure installation, cable installation, installation of new ground support equipment and ground power equipment planes and installation of new apron light poles.  Staff is recommending the Board authorize and direct the Director of SPI to execute the Phase 1A construction CMAR agreement with Granite Construction for the GMP of $3,993,297 at this time.

In conjunction with the Phase 1A CMAR amendment the Airport is also requesting the Board delegate authority to the Director of SPI to execute up to $1,099,648 in change orders for construction work associated with this project. If approved, the Director of SPI could approve contingency items and/or additional items of work included in the Federal Aviation Administration approved project scope or necessitated by differing site conditions. The ability to include additional work items approved by the FAA within the scope of the larger Apron Rehabilitation Project but not within the Phase 1A GMP total, would allow the Airport to accelerate progress toward completion of the Apron Rehabilitation Project, and maximize the County’s ability to leverage FAA-approved funding.

In order to support construction related activities by Granite Construction, Airport staff is also recommending the Board authorize the Director to execute Task Order #6 with C&S Technical resources for phase IA construction project management and observation services in the amount not to exceed $368,713.  SPI further recommends that Board authorize the Director to execute Task Order #15 with Mead & Hunt for phase IA construction engineer of record services in the amount not to exceed $211,948.

On December 6, 2022, the Board approved Master Agreements for professional services for 5 years which included engineering, planning, design, construction management, environmental and other related services related to capital improvement projects at the Airport with BKF Engineers, C&S Companies, EBA Engineering, Guidepost Solutions, Mead & Hunt, Ninyo and Moore, and Reynolds Smith & Hills (RS&H).  C&S was selected as the consultant to provide construction management, observation services and other related services for construction project.  Mead & Hunt was selected as the consultant to provide planning, engineering, architectural and other related services.

C&S Task Order #6:  Airline Apron Phase I Construction Project

C&S will provide construction management services for phase IA Airline Apron Rehabilitation project.  Task Order #6 will be completed for an amount not to exceed $368,713.  These services include construction observation services during the project, as well as administrative services such as managing costs and scheduling and ensuring FAA standards are followed.

Mead & Hunt Task Order #15: Airline Apron Reconstruction Project Engineer of Record Services

Mead & Hunt will provide engineer of record services for the phase IA Airline Apron Rehabilitation project.  Task Order #15 will be completed for an amount not to exceed $211,948.  These services will include pre-construction services, engineer of record services, and post construction services to support the completion of this phase of the project.

This project has been analyzed under the California Environmental Quality Act and was determined to be exempt.  The notice of exemption was filed on April 10, 2023, and posted from May 5, 2023, through June 3, 2023, with no comments received. Funding for this project will be sourced from normal Airport revenues from fees for services and reimbursed though Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Grants 75 and 76.



Strategic Plan:





Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?





Prior Board Actions:

9/26/2023:  Award of Agreement for Construction Manager (Construction Manager at Risk firm) for Airport Apron C (Airline Apron) Rehabilitation Project at the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport.

12/6/2022:  Board approved Master Agreement, Task Order #1 for on-call general services, and Task Order #2 for project plan formulation services with Mead & Hunt and C&S.
















Fiscal Summary


FY24-25 Adopted

FY25-26 Projected

FY25-26 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance




General Fund Contingencies




Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

The Federal Aviation Administration approved Airport Improvement Program (AIP)-75 in the amount of $2,568,395 and AIP-76 in the amount of $2,524,550, for a total of $5,092,945, which will fund phase IA of the Apron C Rehabilitation project at 90.66%.  The remaining 9.34% of the required matching costs ($475,681) as well as an additional budgeted/planned $104,980 for this phase will be funded through Airport rents and fees collected as part of the normal Airport operation.  These expenses were programmed into the FY24-25 budget.


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




Executed CMAR  Agreement with Granite Construction- Preconstruction Phase

Amendment to CMAR Agreement with Granite Construction

C&S Task Order #6

Mead & Hunt Task Order #15


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:

Plans and Specification for Apron C Rehab Project