File #: 2024-1408   
Type: Appointment Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/20/2024 In control: Human Services
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action:
Title: . Title A) Approve Appointments to the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025, ending December 31, 2026, for the following members: Jessica Omar, Manisha Gupta, Lisa Grocott, Sheila Katz, and Nicole Fassold. B) Approve Reappointments to the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025, ending December 31, 2026, for the following members: Jason Riggs, Jessica Borland, Jennifer Perez, Chris Sorg, Yjuan (Vivian) Xiang, Soledad Figueroa, Kathleen Kelley, and Stephen Zollman. C) Authorize the Director of the Human Services Department to sign the required Certification Statement Regarding Composition of Local Planning Council Membership.
Department or Agency Name(s): Human Services, Sonoma County Office Of Education
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Attachment 1: Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County Membership List, 3. Attachment 2: LPC Membership Certification Form, 4. Attachmnent 3: Applications Recommended and Not Recommended for Appointment

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Child Care Planning Council, Sonoma County Office of Education and Human Services Department

Staff Name and Phone Number: Liz DePrimo 707-524-2792; Angela Struckmann 707-565-5800

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide


Recommended Action:


. Title

A)                     Approve Appointments to the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025, ending December 31, 2026, for the following members: Jessica Omar, Manisha Gupta, Lisa Grocott, Sheila Katz, and Nicole Fassold.

B)                     Approve Reappointments to the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025, ending December 31, 2026, for the following members: Jason Riggs, Jessica Borland, Jennifer Perez, Chris Sorg, Yjuan (Vivian) Xiang, Soledad Figueroa, Kathleen Kelley, and Stephen Zollman.

C)                     Authorize the Director of the Human Services Department to sign the required Certification Statement Regarding Composition of Local Planning Council Membership.


Executive Summary:

The Board of Supervisors are responsible for appointments to over 75 Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces. Vacancies and upcoming expiring appointments are posted on the County’s list of Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces website: <>.


Rule 50 of the Board Rules of Procedures states that the Clerk of the Board shall convene staff to review prospective countywide appointments and make appointment recommendations to the Board. The current item recommends appointment and re-appointment of the individuals listed above to the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County.



The mission of the Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County (CCPC) is to convene and inspire the community through collaboration, leadership, and advocacy to promote and plan for quality child care and development services for the benefit of all children (primarily birth to 12), their families, and Sonoma County.


The CCPC was originally established in 1992 to meet the requirements mandated by the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 2141, which created local child care and development planning councils to identify local priorities for child care and state preschool expansion funds. The passage of AB 1542, which established the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program, also required the County Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Supervisors (Board) to designate a local child care planning council to establish priorities for state-funded child care and development services and to develop a comprehensive countywide plan for child care. It is this bill that connects CalWORKs, and the Human Services Department (HSD), to the CCPC. On September 29, 1998, the County Superintendent of Schools and the Board designated the CCPC, to be staffed by the Sonoma County Office of Education.


The CCPC recommends the appointment and reappointment of members that meet the legislated membership requirements to the Board and the County Superintendent of Schools to jointly appoint members to the local CCPC in 5 categories of membership: 1) Consumers, 2) Child Care Providers, 3) Public Agency, 4) Community, and 5) Discretionary Appointees of the Board and the Superintendent. 


The CCPC Bylaws allow up to 35 members and the current membership is 18 members. There are usually between 16-23 active members of the CCPC. As required, the CCPC makes every effort to ensure that the ethnic, racial, and geographic composition of members reflects the county. The CCPC membership chair and committee have worked hard over the last year to increase membership. Openings are posted on the CCPC website and the County Boards and Commissions website. Additionally, community recruitment efforts are made on an ongoing basis via press releases, flyers, and individual outreach. Members are appointed for two-year terms, with roughly half of the members’ terms expiring each year.


The Board is requested to appoint the members listed below. This appointment recommendation has been made to and approved by the County Superintendent of Schools for the following members:


Jessica Omar, Watershed Montessori School, Child Care Provider Seat

Manisha Gupta, Community Action Network, Community Seat

Nicole Fassold, Community Child Care Council, Discretionary Seat

Dr. Sheila Katz, Self-Employed, Discretionary Seat

Lisa Grocott, Self-Employed, Discretionary Seat


The Board is requested to reappoint the members listed below. These reappointment recommendations have been made to and approved by the County Superintendent of Schools for the following members:


Jason Riggs, Extended Child Care, Consumer Seat

Jessica Borland, Windsor Unified School District, Child Care Provider Seat

Jennifer Perez, Santa Rosa Junior College, Public Agency Seat

Chris Sorg, Sonoma County Human Services Department, Public Agency Seat

Yajuan (Vivian) Xiang, Sonoma State University, Public Agency Seat

Soledad Figueroa, River to Coast Children’s Services, Community Seat

Kathleen Kelley, Early Learning Institute, Community Seat

Stephen Zollman, City of Sebastopol, Community Seat


The CCPC will have 17 openings for additional members after these appointments and reappointments are approved.


The Board is also requested to authorize the Director of the Human Services Department to sign the required Certification Statement Regarding Composition of Local Planning Council Membership. This is an annual report that is completed by the CCPC and submitted to the California Department of Social Services.


Strategic Plan:



Prior Board Actions:


Jessica Borland

Reappointment to Child Care Provider Seat,                     12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Initial Appointment to Child Care Provider Seat, 10/26/2021 Agenda Item 9


Soledad Figueroa

Reappointment/transfer from Discretionary Seat to Public Agency Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Reappointment to Discretionary Seat, 12/08/2020 Agenda Item 30

Reappointment to Discretionary Seat, 2/7/2017 Agenda Item 17

Initial Appointment to Discretionary Seat (Soledad Cardona), 12/02/2014 Agenda Item 16


Kathleen Kelley

Reappointment to Community Representative Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Reappointment to Community Representative Seat, 12/08/2020 Agenda Item 30

Reappointment to Community Representative Seat, 2/7/2017 Agenda Item 17

Position Transfer from Child Care Consumer to Community Representative Seat, 9/13/2016 Agenda Item 31

Reappointment to Child Care Consumer Seat, 12/02/2014 Agenda Item 16

Reappointment to Child Care Consumer Seat, 11/20/2012 Agenda Item 23

Initial Appointment to Child Care Consumer Seat, 6/09/2009 Agenda Item 09-0530


Jason Riggs

Reappointment to Child Care Consumer Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Reappointment to Child Care Consumer Seat, 12/08/2020 Agenda Item 30

Reappointment/Transfer from Discretionary Seat to Child Care Consumer Seat, 2/7/2017 Agenda Item 17

Initial Appointment to Discretionary Seat, 6/23/2015 Agenda Item 46


Chris Sorg

Reappointment to Public Agency Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Initial Appointment to Public Agency Seat, 4/20/2021 Agenda Item 30


Yajuan Xiang (Vivian)                     

Reappointment to Public Agency Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23

Initial Appointment to Public Agency Seat, 10/26/2021 Agenda Item 9


Jennifer Perez                     

Initial Appointment SRJC Public Agency Seat, 12/13/2022 Agenda Item 23


Steven Zollman

Appointment/Transfer from Public Agency to Community Representative Seat, 12/12/2023 Agenda Item 42

Appointment/Transfer to Public Agency Seat from Community Representative Seat, 7/11/2023 Agenda Item 30

Reappointment Community Representative Seat, 12/02/2014 Agenda Item 16

Appointment/Transfer from Discretionary to Community Representative Seat, 1/14/2014 Agenda Item 24

Appointment to Discretionary Seat, 5/21/2013 Agenda Item 33



Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




1.                     Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County Membership List

2.                     LPC Membership Certification Form

3.                     Applications Recommended and Not Recommended for Appointment


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
