To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Permit Sonoma
Staff Name and Phone Number: Tennis Wick, (707) 565-1925
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Fifth
File No. ZPE24-0001 Ronald P. Renati and Elenore D. Renati Trust, Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant to allow one detached farm family dwelling unit on a property located at 5952 Carrol Road, Petaluma.
end title
Recommended Action:
recommended action
Accept and authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute, and Permit Sonoma to record, a Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant to allow one detached Farm Family Dwelling Unit on the property located at 5952 Carrol Road, Petaluma; APN: 073-020-012, and 073-020-013; Permit Sonoma File No. ZPE24-0001 (Fifth District).
end recommended action
Executive Summary:
The Land Extensive Agriculture zoning district allows for one (1) detached farm family dwelling unit per lot. A farm family dwelling unit is defined as an additional single-family dwelling incidental to the main dwelling in terms of size, location and architecture which is not leased, subleased, rented or sub-rented separately from the main dwelling nor divided by sale, and which is inhabited by a member of the farm operator's family. A farm family dwelling is considered a compatible use as described in the County’s Uniform Rules for Agricultural Preserves and Farmland Security Zones for Williamson Act contracted lands. Staff recommends your Board accept and authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute, and Permit Sonoma to record, the offered Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant to allow one detached farm family dwelling unit on the property, because upon recordation, all zoning requirements for a Farm Family Dwelling will have been met.
Ronald and Elenore Renati, the landowners, seek approval of a Zoning Permit to construct a new 749-square foot Farm Family Dwelling Unit on a 485.5-acre dairy operation property located at 5952 Carrol Road, Petaluma; APN:073-020-012 and 073-020-013. The farm family dwelling will be occupied by a member of the farm operator’s family.
Site Characteristics:
The 485.5-acre property is accessed from Carrol Road, approximately 5.5-miles south-west of Sebastopol, and approximately 8-miles east of Bodega Bay. The Farm Family Dwelling is proposed to be constructed approximately 200-feet from an existing single-family dwelling on site. The entire 485.5-acres is devoted to active organic dairy farm operation. Zoning for the site is LEA (Land Extensive Agriculture) B6 160 (160-acres per dwelling unit) and combining zones for Z (Accessory Dwelling Unit Exclusion), RC50/50 (Riparian Corridor with 50-foot and 50-foot setbacks), and RC100/50 (Riparian Corridor with 100-foot and 50-foot setbacks). The property has been subject to a Land Conservation Contract since 1972 with the contract recorded under Book 3528, Page 245 and is currently in compliance with the contract.
Farm Family Dwelling:
The Sonoma County Zoning Code allows Farm Family Dwelling units on properties zoned LEA (Land Extensive Agriculture), provided that the standards under 26-24-160 (B) are met.
Sec. 26-24-160(B) Standards:
1. A maximum of one (1) Farm Family Dwelling unit is allowed per lot.
2. LIA zone: Allowed only on a property with a Williamson Act contract.
3. LIA and LEA zones:
a. An agricultural easement having a term equal to the useful life of the structure, but in no event less than twenty (20) years, shall be offered to the county at the time of application.
b. A covenant shall be recorded, in a form satisfactory to county counsel, which acknowledges that, in the event that the agricultural use is terminated on the property, the Farm Family Dwelling becomes a nonconforming residential use.
Staff finds the proposed request is consistent with the Zoning Code Definition (Sec. 26-24-160)(A)) and standards for a farm family dwelling as the new 749-square foot residence proposed for the farm family dwelling is incidental to the three existing single-family dwellings, the farm family dwelling will be occupied by a member of the farm operators’ family, and the farm family dwelling will not be leased, subleased, rented, or sub-rented separately from the primary residences nor divided for sale. A Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant (Farm Family Housing) has been prepared for the request and the easement will protect and preserve the resource value, agricultural viability, and productiveness of the property, and ensure that the property continues in agricultural use throughout the term of the easement and will cover the whole property.
Land Conservation (Williamson Act) Contract Compliance:
The property is currently subject to a Williamson Act contract for agricultural land, recorded under Book 3528 and Page 245. The Sonoma County Uniform Rules for Agricultural Preserves and Farmland Security Zones (“Uniform Rules”) require at least 50% of the property acreage is devoted to a quantifying agricultural land use and that all existing and proposed development complies with the compatible uses allowed under contract. Staff finds that the entire property is devoted to the organic dairy farm and that the new farm family dwelling unit will be located north of the existing single-family dwellings near the entrance road, along the east side of the subject property, occupying approximately 749-square feet. Therefore, staff finds the property complies with its Williamson Act contract and adding a new farm family dwelling is consistent with the Uniform Rules.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends the Board approve the request, accept and authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute a Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant because all zoning requirements for the Farm Family dwelling are met and a Grant Deed of Agricultural Easement and Covenant (Farm Family Housing) has been prepared, which is included in Attachment 3.
Strategic Plan:
Not Applicable
Racial Equity:
Not Applicable
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
Not Applicable
Fiscal Summary
Not Applicable
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
Not Applicable
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
Not Applicable
ATT 1: ZPE24-0001 Proposal Statement
ATT 2: ZPE24-0001 Site Plan
ATT 3: ZPE24-0001 Agricultural Easement and Covenant Farm Family Housing with Exhibit A
Related Items “On File” With the Clerk of the Board:
Not Applicable