File #: 2025-0062   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/18/2024 In control: Public Infrastructure
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Award Multiple Blanket Purchase Order Agreements for As-Needed Waste Hauling and Disposal Services
Department or Agency Name(s): Public Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Summary Report.pdf, 2. Attachment 1 - Joe's Farmers Septic and Grease Service, Inc. Agreement.pdf, 3. Attachment 2 - Pacific Sanitation Agreement.pdf, 4. Attachment 3 - Ancon Services Agreement.pdf, 5. Attachment 4 - N Leasing Company, LLC Agreement.pdf, 6. Attachment 5 - North Bay Pressure Washing, Inc. Agreement.pdf

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure

Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): All




Award Multiple Blanket Purchase Order Agreements for As-Needed Waste Hauling and Disposal Services



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

A)                     Award Blanket Purchase Orders to five waste hauling and disposal service providers and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Agreements with each provider for as-needed waste and disposal services. Blanket Purchase Order Agreements are for one (1) year with options to extend for up to four (4) additional one (1) year periods.

B)                     Delegate authority to the Purchasing Agent to exercise the extension options and to execute amendments to any of the Agreements to add or remove locations and for any future price adjustments as provided under the Agreements, contingent upon availability of funding.



Executive Summary:

Sonoma County Public Infrastructure (SPI), Purchasing Division, is recommending the County enter into five (5) Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) Agreements for as-needed waste hauling, and disposal services. If approved, the BPO’s will be available for use by all County departments, the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, and the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (“affiliated entities”).  The proposed Blanket Purchase Order Agreements have no guaranteed minimum or maximum amounts of usage and will be used on an as-needed basis.  Services available include as-needed leachate, wastewater, sludge, debris, and rags hauling and disposal services.  These Blanket Purchase Order Agreements will facilitate ease of payments by the departments using the services and consolidate separate existing agency agreements.



Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs) are a purchasing agreement established and managed by Sonoma County Public Infrastructure’s (SPI) Purchasing Division. BPOs are structured to achieve the most favorable prices, terms, and conditions in the procurement of goods or services required to achieve the maximum benefit of the end user and the County. They are set up for repetitive usage by Departments and offer ease of use, time savings, and a streamlined process for procuring goods or services.


SPI Purchasing currently maintains as-needed contracts for waste hauling and disposal services on behalf of all County departments and affiliated entities.  County departments that own, manage, or operate County landfills and District sanitation plants require routine hauling and disposal of wastewater and by-products associated with waste management and wastewater treatment such as leachate, sludge, grit, debris, and rags. The proposed agreements will establish contracts with qualified suppliers for the hauling and disposal of the waste substances from various authorized landfills, and from treatment plants for further processing. The volume of need for these services is typically dependent upon weather events.


SPI Integrated Waste Division owns and maintains five closed landfills located in Healdsburg, Guerneville, Roblar, Sonoma and Annapolis.  As landfill waste degrades, it generates leachate, a liquid that drains or 'leaches' from the waste due to water (rain, dew, moisture from decomposition process) percolating through permeable material. Leachate contains organic and inorganic chemicals, heavy metals, and pathogens; it can pollute groundwater and therefore represents health risks. Timely hauling and disposal services of leachate is essential to public and environmental safety. Proper disposal is required by law.


The Sonoma County Water Agency manages and operates eight different sanitation zones and districts throughout Sonoma County. The Occidental County Sanitation District (District) has implemented a plan to haul District's wastewater to Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation zone plant for treatment, in order to comply with a cease-and-desist order from the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.


Additionally, the Sonoma County Water Agency owns Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone Treatment Plant and manages and operates Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Treatment Plant and Russian River Valley County Sanitation District Treatment Plant. These three treatment plants service 24,398 equivalent single-family dwellings. Household sewage water is treated to remove contaminants in order to produce wastewater that is safe enough to release into environment. The by-products and waste produced during the sewage water treatment are sludge, grit, debris, rags, and recycling materials. These by-products must be hauled away for further processing or disposal to comply with environmental laws and regulations.


Prior to issuing the public solicitation, the Purchasing Division performed advance market research to identify potential businesses that perform this type of work and invited 784 firms of which 203 were Minority and Women owned businesses. In addition, Human Resources and Employee Relations were consulted prior to releasing the solicitation to confirm the County does not have the expertise, resources, or capacity to provide these services in house by County employees.

To ensure fair and open competition, the Purchasing Division issued a solicitation on August 14, 2024, for As-Needed Wastewater Hauling and Disposal Services with the objective to contract with multiple qualified firms for these services. 

The solicitation closed on August 30, 2024, at 2:00PM and a virtual public bid opening was held where five (5) bids were opened and read aloud.  As a result of the public bid opening, it was determined that all five (5) bidders were deemed to be responsive and meet the minimum contract requirements.  To meet overall need and provide flexibility for County Departments for these services, the Purchasing Division recommends that BPO Agreements are executed with all five firms: Joe’s Farmers Septic and Grease Services, Inc; Pacific Sanitation; Ancon Services; N Leasing Company, LLC; and North Bay Pressure Washing, Inc.

Strategic Plan:



Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



Prior Board Actions:

August 20, 2019 - Multiple Professional Service Agreements for As-Needed Waste Hauling and Disposal Services


Fiscal Summary


FY 24-25 Adopted

FY 25-26 Projected

FY 26-27 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance








Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

There is no direct fiscal impact associated with approving a Blanket Purchase Order. Appropriations for work performed under these Agreements will be included in individual Departments’ and affiliated entities’ annual Recommended Budget or added through the Consolidated Budget Adjustment process. 



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




Attachment 1 - Joe’s Farmers Septic and Grease Service, Inc. Agreement

Attachment 2 - Pacific Sanitation Agreement

Attachment 3 - Ancon Services Agreement

Attachment 4 - N Leasing Company, LLC Agreement

Attachment 5 - North Bay Pressure Washing, Inc. Agreement


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:

Bid Solicitation Event 1886