File #: 2024-0777   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/12/2024 In control: Permit and Resource Management
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action:
Title: Outside Service Area Agreement with Irwin; SEW23-0187
Department or Agency Name(s): Permit and Resource Management, Penngrove Sanitation Zone, Sonoma County Water Agency
Attachments: 1. Summary Report.pdf, 2. Attachment 1: Resolution.pdf, 3. Attachment 2: Agreement.pdf

To: Board of Directors, Sonoma County Water Agency

Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Water Agency

Staff Name and Phone Number:  Douglas Messenger, (707) 547-1952

Vote Requirement: Majority

Supervisorial District(s): Second




Outside Service Area Agreement with Irwin; SEW23-0187



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

Adopt a Resolution authorizing the General Manager of the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) to execute an Outside Service Area Agreement with property owners George and Sarah Irwin, husband and wife, for public sewer service to property located at 845 Palm Avenue, Penngrove, Sonoma California; Assessor Parcel Number 047-081-026 (Second District) and finding the Agreement exempt from CEQA (CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b)).



Executive Summary:

The recommended resolution of the Sonoma Water Board of Directors will authorize the General Manager to execute an Outside Service Area Agreement between Sonoma Water and property owners, George and Sarah Irwin, husband and wife, for public sewer service to Assessor’s Parcel Number (Parcel) 047-081-026, located at 845 Palm Avenue in Penngrove.



On April 19, 2024, Permit Sonoma accepted an application for an Outside Service Area Agreement (Agreement) submitted by George Irwin on behalf of George Irwin and Sarah Irwin, Husband and Wife as Community Property with Right of Survivorship (Owner). The application was submitted for the Parcel located at 845 Palm Avenue, due to failure of the existing standard septic system.


The residential Parcel is 0.35 acres and consists of an approximately 1,335 square-foot single-family dwelling and an accessory structure without plumbing. The property access is off Palm Avenue which borders the eastern property line. The parcel is generally flat with low slopes and is covered by grasses, shrubs, and trees. The Owner has provided a statement declaring the Parcel will only be used for residential purposes.


The Agreement would allow Sonoma Water, which owns, operates, and manages the Penngrove Sanitation Zone (Zone) to provide public sewer service to the Parcel which is located outside the Zone’s boundary and outside the Urban Service Area boundary of Penngrove.


Permit Sonoma Planning staff have found the Agreement consistent with General Plan Goals LU-2 and LU-3, and Policy LU-3c. The Parcel is outside of, but adjacent to the Penngrove Urban Service Area boundary and the failing septic system poses a public health hazard, therefore the Agreement is consistent with Policies PF-1f and PF-1g, which allow limited exceptions to the general rule of avoiding extension of public sewer services outside an Urban Service Area.




Following execution of the Agreement by the General Manager, the Owner shall complete a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) application for Permit Sonoma review and submittal to LAFCO. The Owner shall include with the application, payment of all required LAFCO fees. The Agreement shall not be effective until such time as it has been approved by LAFCO.


The Owner shall pay Sewer Connection fees, as calculated using the current fee schedule at the time of permitting, and Annual Service charges to the Zone for sewer service to the property for the property’s use. Use of the Zone’s sewer under this Agreement is limited to the existing single-family residence.


In accordance with Zone ordinances and prior to connection to the collection system, the Owner must pay “sewer demand fees” to the City of Petaluma, as established by the most recent city fee ordinance. Evidence of payment to the City of Petaluma must be presented to Permit Sonoma when the fees are paid.


Sonoma Water’s General Manager has determined that approval of the Agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(b), Existing Facilities, as it represents an additional connection to an existing public facility that involves negligible or no expansion of an existing or former use. Zone staff has prepared a Notice of Exemption in accordance with the CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the District’s Zone’s Procedures for the Implementation of CEQA.


Strategic Plan:



Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?



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Prior Board Actions:

Not Applicable


Fiscal Summary

Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

The application is an at-cost application with costs paid by the property owner, including any applicable Sewer Connection fees, Outside Service Area Agreement/Annexation Application fees, and LAFCO fees.



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):

Not Applicable



Attachment 1:  Resolution

Attachment 2:  Agreement


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:

Not Applicable