To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure
Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550
Vote Requirement: 4/5th
Supervisorial District(s): Countywide
Annual Airport Update to the Board of Supervisors, Staffing Adjustments, and Aviation Commission Resolution Proposed Updates
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
A) Receive an update on the Annual Activity of the Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport.
B) Adopt a Resolution amending the Department Allocation List of the Department of Public Infrastructure to Add 2.0 Full-Time Equivalent Airport Operations Specialist Allocations, Effective October 15, 2024.
Executive Summary:
Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department (SPI) - Airport Division (Airport) is presenting an update and submitting for the Board’s acceptance a report on Annual Activity. The Department requests the adoption of a Resolution amending the Department Allocation List to add 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Airport Operations Specialist positions to support the Airport Division. Ongoing funding for both positions will come from dedicated Division sources and will not require contributions from the County’s General Fund. Position costs for the two positions will be funded by the Airport Enterprise Fund through revenue from rents and fees.
The Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (Airport) is a non-hub, commercial service airport, accommodating all phases of air transportation, including commercial air service, general aviation, and emergency operations. This report is informational and seeks to summarize the projects and activities the Airport is working on, some already approved by the Board and/or completed with others returning to the Board at a later date.
The Airport takes seriously its responsibility to the Board of Supervisors and the citizens living in and around the Airport and the affected areas, and endeavors to be transparent in its activities. For this reason, the Airport presents an annual update to the Board that covers active projects, changes to commercial air services, grants, and all other related activities.
The most significant highlights since the last update on 12/13/22, are the completion of the terminal modernization project after four years of construction and the installation of a wildlife exclusion fence. The terminal project was constructed to the equivalent of silver LEED design, adding 33,000 square feet, incorporating many features that embrace the Airport’s connection to Charles M. Schulz, providing a sense of place for arriving and returning passengers. The project incorporated many Peanuts themed elements and local art made of recycled materials through a partnership with the Sonoma County Tourism Bureau and Creative Sonoma. The completion of the terminal enhanced the customer experience by adding an outdoor patio and pet relief area past security, lactation rooms, and new concessions. The passenger experience was elevated from a convenient travel option to an enhanced passenger experience. Passengers now have the options of an expanded café and grab-and-go restaurant, full-service wine bar, and specialty vending options such as Baby Vend, Costeaux grab-and-go, gourmet pretzels, licorice and taffy, gourmet charcuterie, Lily Coffee, and electronics past security for passengers waiting for their flight. Installation of the fence project frees up inspection hours performed by staff allowing them to perform other duties. The terminal project added digital advertising opportunities that increased advertising revenues by 500% to $300,000 per year compared to $50,000 from the preconstruction static ads. Revenue generation measures are crucial to maintaining and operating the new terminal.
Other highlights since the last update include:
• Establishment of an Avelo crew base and the addition of service to Redmond, Salem, Pasco, Kalispel, Boise, and the announcement of Salt Lake City and Ontario. The addition of the Avelo base created 45 new jobs in the community.
• Alaska Airlines increased frequencies to many of their destinations and added Las Vegas.
• Hosted the annual Airport Partners job fair achieving the highest number of participating companies and job seekers.
• Hosted and sponsored numerous community events highlighting the Airport including Girls in Aviation Day, Young Eagles, and Pacific Coast Air Museum Hot Dog Thursday. These events are focused on exposing the community to various aspects of aviation. The Girls in Aviation and Young Eagles events are focused on providing flight, aviation, and educational experiences to the youth of Sonoma County.
• To ensure alignment with the County Climate Action and Resiliency pillar, the Airport has been collaborating with the Climate Action and Resiliency Division and coordinating efforts for future community engagement on the plan.
The projects listed below are consistent with the Airport’s customer service goals of providing a safe and friendly environment for air travel as well as resilient infrastructure to serve the community during disasters. More details about each of the items listed can be found in Attachment A. While some projects have received prior Board approval, the intent of the attached report is to provide an overview of Airport activities and projects underway.
The annual update presentation provides an overview of the Airport budget, staffing request, and details 2023 statistics, activities, and current progress of the following:
• Airline Activity
• Noise Complaints
• Outreach & Community Engagement
• Capital Projects
• Airport Maintenance Activities
• Grant Funded Projects
Staffing Allocation Request Summary:
In response to the terminal expansion and ongoing passenger growth at the Sonoma County Airport, Sonoma Public Infrastructure (SPI) management is requesting the adoption of a Resolution amending the Department Allocation List to add 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Airport Operations Specialist positions in FY 2024-25. Per County policy, Position Change Request forms for these positions were reviewed and approved by Human Resources and the County Executive’s Office (CEO).
Ongoing funding for both positions will come from dedicated Division sources and will not require contributions from the County’s General Fund. These two additional Airport Operations Specialist positions will be funded by the Airport Enterprise Fund through revenue from rents and fees.
The Airport is a certified commercial service airport under federal regulations with operating agreements in place with three commercial air carriers (Alaska, American, and Avelo), and provides direct air service to fourteen markets in the continental United States. Commercial service airports are required to follow all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, and the primary responsibility of an Airport Operations Specialist is to ensure compliance with these regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in the temporary suspension of commercial flight operations.
The Airport currently has 8.0 FTE Airport Operations Specialist positions allocated to provide coverage from 4:30 am to 11:30 pm seven days per week.
To enhance operational efficiency, safety, and service at the Airport, two additional positions are proposed for the Airport Operations team. The added staff would allow for additional coverage, reduced workload, and redundancy especially during emergencies. The increase in staffing would also improve employee morale, reduce burnout, allow for more training time, and provide greater flexibility in handling incidents. Ultimately, the proposal aims to enhance airfield safety, such as runway inspections, security responses, and handling emergency responses.
Fiscal Year 2024-25 expenditures for these positions are estimated to be $182,010 and will increase to $316,290 for the full year in FY 2025-26. The funding sources for Airport Operations Specialists include rents and concessions fees collected through normal Airport operations including: terminal and hangar rents, parking fees, a percentage of on-premise car rental and fuel sales, and landing fees. The Airport expects to have adequate sources of revenue to fund these positions on a permanent basis.
Aviation Commission Resolution Updates:
To better reflect the current operations, growth, and development of the Sonoma County Airport the department is requesting authorization to begin work to update existing Aviation Commission Resolution No. 53319, dated April 19, 1976. The updates will align the Commission’s structure and advisory roles with the evolving needs of the airport and surrounding community. By modernizing the resolution, the Commission will be better positioned to serve the Board and the public in matters related to aviation policy, airport operations, and regional air transportation planning to ensure that the Commission can continue to provide valuable guidance in this rapidly changing environment.
Strategic Plan:
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
5/21/24: Award of Contract for Runway 14-32 Repairs 3/26/24: Consolidated Fee Hearing - Public Infrastructure FY24-25 for Airport Land and Facility Use 3/5/24: Airport Vending Concession Lease - Prepango |
12/12/23: Airport Division Temporary Transfer of Funds |
11/7/23: Airport Food and Beverage Lease |
10/17/23: 2023 Task Orders Mead & Hunt and C&S |
10/17/23: Sonoma County Airport Air Traffic Control Tower Siting Study |
9/26/23: Award of Contract for Wildlife Exclusion Perimeter Fence |
9/26/23: Award of Agreement for Construction Manager (Construction Management at Risk firm) for Airport Apron C (Airline Apron) Rehabilitation Project |
9/26/23: Award of Contract for Airport Uniformed Security Guard and Operations Center Services |
6/6/23: Wildlife Exclusion Perimeter Fence Project CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration |
5/9/23: Airport Advertising Policy Update |
3/26/23: Public Infrastructure FY24-25 Fees for Airport Land and Facility Use |
3/21/23: Out-of-State Travel Request - Airport Manager |
3/21/23: FY 23-24 Rate Schedule for Airport Land and Facility Use |
1/31/23: Airport Terminal Area Redevelopment Project Cost and Contingency Increase. |
12/13/22: 2022 Airport Annual Update 4/19/22: Staffing Adjustments - Add 1.0 FTE Airport Operations Specialist |
Fiscal Summary
Expenditures |
FY24-25 Adopted |
FY25-26 Projected |
FY26-27 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
$316,290 |
$340,466 |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
$182,010 |
Total Expenditures |
$182,010 |
$316,290 |
$340,466 |
Funding Sources |
General Fund/WA GF |
State/Federal |
Fees/Other |
$182,010 |
$316,290 |
$340,466 |
Use of Fund Balance |
General Fund Contingencies |
Total Sources |
$182,010 |
$316,290 |
$340,466 |
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
All projects listed will address any fiscal impact individually as they are submitted to the Board for approval. The Airport operates as an Enterprise Fund and is not reliant on the County of Sonoma general fund. Airport revenues are sourced from grants, charges and fees, and lease payments.
Expenditures for the Airport Operations Specialist positions will be included in the Airport Operations (41301-34030101) annual budget. Fiscal Year 2024-25 expenditures for this position are estimated to be $182,010 and will increase to $316,290 for the full year in FY 2025-26. Funding sources for Airport Operations Specialist positions include rents and concessions collected through normal airport operations including terminal and hangar rents, parking fees, a percentage of on-premise car rental and fuel sales, and landing fees.
Staffing Impacts: |
Position Title (Payroll Classification) |
Monthly Salary Range (A-I Step) |
Additions (Number) |
Deletions (Number) |
Airport Operations Specialist (0704) |
$5,883.94-$7,153.60 |
2 |
0 |
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
If approved, the Resolution would add 2.0 FTE Airport Operations Specialist positions to the Department of Public Infrastructure.
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: