File #: 2023-0916   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Passed
File created: 7/12/2023 In control: County Administrator
On agenda: 9/19/2023 Final action: 9/19/2023
Title: Quarterly Ad Hoc Update
Department or Agency Name(s): County Administrator
Attachments: 1. Summary Report, 2. Attach A - Quarterly Ad Hoc Reports

To: Board of Supervisors

Department or Agency Name(s): County Administrator’s Office

Staff Name and Phone Number: Christel Querijero 565-2431

Vote Requirement: Informational Only

Supervisorial District(s): Countywide




Quarterly Ad Hoc Update



Recommended Action:

Recommended action

Receive the April through June 2023 quarterly update from the Ad Hoc Committees established for or continued into calendar year 2023.



Executive Summary:

On January 24, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved the Ad Hoc assignments <> for calendar year 2023.  The Board of Supervisors has requested that staff provide quarterly updates on the Ad Hoc activities to keep the Board and public informed about the progress being made by these committees. Each committee is unique in its mission, outcomes, and process, therefore individual committee reports are enclosed to review expanded information. This Ad Hoc report summarizes activities that occurred in the 2nd quarter, covering April to June 2023.



The Ad Hoc committee assignments webpage is <>.


Ad Hoc Committee

Supervisor Assigned

Department /Agency

Lead Staff Member

Ad Hoc Status

Climate Action Workshop Planning

Gorin and Hopkins

County Administrator

Barbara Lee

In progress

Community Survey Ad Hoc

Rabbitt and Coursey

County Administrator

Christel Querijero


Crisis Response

Coursey and Gore

Department of Health Services

Tina Rivera

Not yet started

Fire Services

Rabbitt and Hopkins

County Administrator

Christel Querijero

In progress

Healthy Forests

Gore and Hopkins

Ag & Open Space

Misti Arias

In progress

Living Wage

Rabbitt and Hopkins

County Administrator

Yvonne Shu

In progress

Moorland Annexation

Coursey and Gorin

County Administrator

Christel Querijero

In progress

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

Rabbitt and Hopkins

Permit Sonoma

Tennis Wick and Nathan Quarles

In progress

Potter Valley Project

Rabbitt and Gore

Sonoma Water

Grant Davis

In progress


Rabbitt and Gore

County Administrator

Yvonne Shu

In progress

Project Labor Agreement Policy Update Review

Rabbitt and Hopkins

County Administrator

Yvonne Shu

In progress

Public Art Policy Review

Gorin and Rabbitt

Economic Development

Kristin Madsen

In progress

Unincorporated Governance Ad Hoc

Gorin and Hopkins

County Administrator

Christel Querijero

In progress


Active Ad Hoc Summaries:

The Ad Hoc updates covering information from April through June 2023 are included as attachments. Key highlights of the updates for active Ad Hoc Committees this period include:


The Board of Supervisors approved <|Text|&Search=climate> the formation of the Climate Workshop Planning Ad Hoc to plan the content and format of Climate Workshops planned for July and November 2023.  The Climate Workshops are intended to provide public input that will inform recommendations to the Board pertaining to climate action planning.  The Climate Workshop Planning Ad Hoc Committee met on May 30 and June 29, 2023 to discuss logistics of the Summer Workshop and engagement efforts that will complement and support both the Summer and Winter Workshops. The half-day Summer Workshop occurred on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.


The Community Survey Ad Hoc was initially formed in October 2022, and was continued in 2023 to continue its work.  The Ad Hoc met on March 13, 2023, and provided feedback on the draft questionnaire prepared by the survey consultant.  The final questionnaire was approved by the Board on March 21, 2023 <|Text|&Search=community+survey>. The Community Survey Ad Hoc Committee met on April 20, 2023 to review the results of the report. Key findings of the survey are included in the attachment.  Community Survey Ad Hoc Committee work is complete; no additional meetings are scheduled in  2023.  


The Crisis Response Ad Hoc did not meet in this quarter.


The Fire Services Ad Hoc was reappointed for 2023, established to provide direction on revenue-boosting activities to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of fire services.  The Ad Hoc held its first meeting on March 6, 2023, to discuss the Ad Hoc scope and charter and received an update on past fire consolidation efforts <|Text|&Search=consolidation> approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 25, 2022. (CR) The Ad Hoc has also kept up with new Fire Measure updates being led by the Fire Services Work Group, which is made up of representatives from the Sonoma County Fire Chiefs Association, Cal Fire, Sonoma County Fire Labor Unions, and the Sonoma County Fire Districts Association supports efforts by providing subject matter expert perspective, guidance, and stakeholder coordination. As of this writing, the Board is programmed to review the Fire Measure signatures Certificate of Sufficiency on their 9/12/23 agenda item 56


The Healthy Forests Ad Hoc was established last February 2022to propose specific strategies to leverage and utilize the remaining PG&E settlement funds to best protect our communities and the health of landscapes from large scale wildfires.  The Vegetation Management Grant Program <> and Community Wildfire Protection Plan <> informed recommendations that were presented to the Board on January 10, 2023 <>. The Ad Hoc will continue into 2023 to provide guidance to implement strategies presented to the Board. 


The Living Wage Ad Hoc was formed to provide input to staff on potential updates, previously determined by the Board, to the County’s Living Wage Ordinance. On April 20, 2023, the Ad Hoc had a follow-up discussion of living wage applicability to County concessionaires and lessees, inclusion of the Fair and Airport under the ordinance, a potential paid time off provision, and the annual COLA process for the living wage hourly rate. On May 11, 2023, the Ad Hoc confirmed recommended actions for the June 12, 2023, Board meeting on the above-listed provisions. The first read of the revised ordinance was scheduled as item 57 of the Board’s agenda on September 12, 2023.


The Moorland Annexation Ad Hoc was created on September 27, 2022, to study potential City of Santa Rosa annexation areas, beginning with the Moorland neighborhood, and has been extended for 2023 to continue its efforts. During this quarter, County staff continued with the City of Santa Rosa about Moorland annexation opportunities. At the recommendation of the Moorland Ad Hoc, staff presented a resolution to the Board of Supervisors on April 4, 2023, in support of the City of Santa Rosa’s application to the MTC Priority Development Area grant. While the resolution did not include direct action towards annexation of Moorland, it intended to support grant funding for a South Santa Rosa specific plan, which is necessary work to move forward with an annexation at a future date. The City of Santa Rosa Manager has confirmed that this project continues to be part of the City’s workplan. Staff will continue working with the Ad Hoc to determine next steps in exploring annexation.


The Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) was established to consider stakeholder input and recommendations for OWTS regulations. Permit Sonoma staff used the June meeting to keep the committee apprised of efforts during the last three months.

\The OWTS Manual is tentatively scheduled to be heard by the Board in October.


The Potter Valley Project Ad Hoc was established to collaborate with the Sonoma Water staff in evaluating options related to the Potter Valley Project and the reliability and resiliency of the Russian River water supply. The Ad Hoc members met with staff twice, once in April and once in May. 

The April meeting included a discussion of the announcement by PG&E regarding their notices about the gates at Scott Dam remaining open and the cancellation of the transformer bank repair at the Project powerhouse. There was also an update on the Russian River Water Forum.

The May meeting included a discussion of communication with Lake County and assembling letters of support to respond to the US Bureau of Reclamation’s notice of funding opportunity under their WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Grant program. The agenda for an upcoming Closed Session was also discussed.


The Procurement Ad Hoc was formed to provide guidance to staff on the comprehensive review of the County’s procurement systems and policies being conducted by Civic Initiatives, LLC <|Text|&Search=civic+initiatives>.  On June 9, 2023, the Ad Hoc received a briefing from the consultant on the current state of purchasing at the County. An Ad Hoc meeting is being scheduled for early October 2023, with a presentation of the gap analysis and needs assessment scheduled for  the October 17,  2023, Board of Supervisors’ meeting.

The purpose of the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Policy Update Ad Hoc is to explore updates to the County’s PLA policy last approved in 2014. At their May 30, 2023 meeting, the Ad Hoc reviewed and confirmed recommended actions for 7/18/23 Board meeting and received an updated comparison matrix and capital projects list. At their June 30, 2023 meeting, the Ad Hoc received follow-up information from previously raised questions: potential impact on staff workload with lower threshold, intended benefit of PLA’s to local community, data on use of organized labor on recent capital projects. The revised PLA policy is as item 58 <> on Board’s September 12, 2023 agenda.


The Public Art Policy Review Ad Hoc was formed in 2022 to explore options for expanding public art in Sonoma County. Three documents are being drafted for the Ad Hoc’s review:  Public Art Policy, Public Art Master Plan, Public Art Procedures manual.  The Master Plan was posted to the Creative Sonoma website and community feedback was received.

Staff has received input from heads of County Departments to ensure that the policy can be implemented effectively and without undue administrative burden on existing staff.  Feedback has also been received to assure that the new policy does not conflict with other construction policies and procedures. 

Presentation to the full Board of Supervisors is scheduled for September 19, 2023.

The purpose of the Unincorporated Governance Ad Hoc is to guide staff in the exploration of governance solutions for the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County. The Board of Supervisors approved the Unincorporated Governance Ad Hoc charter and priority areas of focus on May 23, 2023. The Ad Hoc has several upcoming meetings, including meeting to preview the Parks GIS tool and a Municipal Advisory Council listening session. Staff will work with the Ad Hoc to develop a work plan to present to the Board of Supervisors.


Prior Board Actions:

The Board of Supervisors was last updated on April 18, 2023


Fiscal Summary


Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

Some of the Ad Hocs are or will be incurring expenses associated with their work. Fiscal information is reflected, when applicable, in the attached reports.


Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):




Attachment A - Quarterly Ad Hoc Reports


Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
