File #: 2025-0289   
Type: Regular Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/22/2025 Final action:
Title: Sonoma County All Municipal Advisory Meeting
Department or Agency Name(s): County Administrator
Attachments: 1. Agenda Sonoma County All MAC Meeting, 2. Agenda Sonoma County All MAC Meeting (Spanish), 3. Fairgrounds map

To: Click or tap here to enter text.

Department or Agency Name(s): Click or tap here to enter text.

Staff Name and Phone Number: Click or tap here to enter text.

Vote Requirement: Choose an item.

Supervisorial District(s): Click or tap here to enter text.




Sonoma County All Municipal Advisory Meeting



Recommended Action:

Recommended action



Executive Summary:

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Strategic Plan:

INSTRUCTIONS: Use this section to indicate if this item directly supports an objective in the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan, i.e. the recommended actions represent a County investment of people or financial resources towards an activity, project, or program that helps to achieve the desired outcomes associated with the objective. We recognize that staff’s inclination will be to align most department activities to the Board’s Strategic Plan, however, this section should be used conservatively to only reflect activities that have a direct bearing on achieving the specific objective. Indirect or general activities should not be discussed in this section. The intent is not to capture all activities that may relate to a Strategic Plan goal generally, but to identify those that advance the work efforts described in the Implementation Plan for the objective. The Implementation Plan Lead for the objective can confirm the degree of alignment. (The most current list of Implementation Plan Leads is posted to the County Board of Supervisors intranet web page at http://sc-intranet/board/agenda_sub.htm.) If this item does not directly support the Strategic Plan, delete the full text under this header and input “N/A.”


For items with direct Strategic Plan alignment, briefly describe how the investment achieves the outcomes and note whether the resources requested are new or re-directed from existing funds to address current Board strategic priorities. The narrative included here will be collected and reported for both transparency purposes and as indication of progress towards achieving desired outcomes.


This item directly supports the County’s Five-year Strategic Plan and is aligned with the following pillar, goal, and objective.


Pillar: Choose an item.

Goal: Choose an item.

Objective: Choose an item.


Racial Equity:


Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?

Choose an item.


INSTRUCTIONS: If ‘Yes’ to the above, or if equity analysis was conducted, include requisite information in this section staff’s discussion, findings, and recommendations as it directly relates to this item’s requested action(s).


Prior Board Actions:

Click or tap here to enter text.


Fiscal Summary


FY23-24 Adopted

FY24-25 Projected

FY25-26 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance




General Fund Contingencies




Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

Click or tap here to enter text.


Staffing Impacts:




Position Title (Payroll Classification)

Monthly Salary Range (A-I Step)

Additions (Number)

Deletions (Number)














Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):

Click or tap here to enter text.



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Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:

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