File #: 2022-0535   
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Passed
File created: 4/28/2022 In control: Sonoma County Water Agency
On agenda: 6/13/2022 Final action: 6/13/2022
Title: Receive report on Emergency Need to Perform Work to Stabilize Dangerous Conditions Resulting from Pipeline Corrosion at the Russian River County Sanitation District's Guerneville Lift Station and Force Main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Water Agency, Russian River County Sanitation District
Attachments: 1. Summary Report

To: The Board of Directors the Sonoma County Water Agency and Board of Directors of the Russian River County Sanitation District

Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Water Agency and Russian River County Sanitation District

Staff Name and Phone Number: Grant Davis 547-1911

Vote Requirement: 4/5th

Supervisorial District(s): Fifth




Receive report on Emergency Need to Perform Work to Stabilize Dangerous Conditions Resulting from Pipeline Corrosion at the Russian River County Sanitation District’s Guerneville Lift Station and Force Main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville



Recommended Actions:

Recommended action

A)                     Receive report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville.

B)                     Make findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

(4/5th Vote Required) (Fifth District)



Executive Summary:

This item requests the Board of Directors for the Russian River County Sanitation District (“District”) receive a report and make findings of the ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements. Funding authorizations associated with the project are also requested.



On November 30, 2021, the General Manager of Sonoma Water, pursuant to authority delegated in Resolution #06-0649, declared the existence of an emergency for Russian River County Sanitation District due to pipeline corrosion occurring at the Guerneville Lift Station and force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville, respectively. The Guerneville Lift Station and Orchard Avenue Force Main failures (Incidents) are a result of severely corroded iron/steel pipelines. In response, the Sonoma Water Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated to assist with managing the impacts. As a result of the Incidents, dangerous conditions have arisen at the Guerneville Lift Station and in the force main along Orchard Avenue. These facilities are owned by the Russian River County Sanitation District and maintained by Sonoma Water. The Incidents were sudden and unexpected, and pose a clear and imminent danger requiring immediate action to prevent or mitigate the loss or impairment of life, health, property, or essential public services. The Guerneville Lift Station Project is nearly complete.  Further analysis of the Force Main on Orchard Avenue, required the District to implement an additional project, so as to prevent another failure.

The emergency incidents are:

Guerneville Lift Station

                     Failure: In the early afternoon of November 25, 2021, Sonoma Water became aware of an apparent leak near the District’s Guerneville Lift Station. This lift station accepts wastewater from most of the District’s service area and pumps it through a 3,400-foot-long force main to a downstream part of the collection system.

Orchard Avenue Force Main

                     Failure: In the afternoon of November 30, 2021, Sonoma Water became aware of an apparent leak on the District’s Force Main below Orchard Avenue in Guerneville. This force main conveys wastewater from the District’s service area to the treatment plant, at the end of Neeley Road.

Upon investigations by staff, it was determined that complete failure of the pipelines was highly possible. If the pipelines were to fail, it could cause major erosion, flooding, and contamination along River Road and Orchard Avenue with raw wastewater, thereby posing a significant danger to residents, motorists and the environment. In addition, failures would impact neighboring properties and businesses in the area.

Based upon the above, there is an urgent need to make needed repairs to the District’s facilities.  The normal contracting process takes two to three months from a minimum advertising period through assessing bids and awarding and executing contracts. This delay would mean that it would not be possible to perform necessary repairs needed to protect public health and safety in a timely manner.

Public Contract Code section 22050 authorizes Sonoma Water to enter into contracts for public projects as may be necessary to mitigate emergency conditions without giving notice for bids.  Additionally, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22035, this emergency work may proceed without adopting plans or specifications. If approved, this item will be brought back to the Boards every 14 days thereafter to determine (by 4/5 vote) if there is a need to continue the action without competitive bidding. The Board is obligated to terminate the waiver of the bid process at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant so that the remainder of the work may be completed under the bid process.

The District entered into a contract with Ghilotti Construction to make the repairs at Guerneville Lift Station and Orchard Ave. In addition, the District entered into an agreement with Belfor Restoration Company to conduct clean-up of the Orchard Avenue site as well as properties along Orchard Ave that were impacted by the spill.

Progress to date:

Guerneville Lift Station

                     Project completed.

Orchard Avenue Force Main:

                     District has executed an agreement for professional services with West Yost Associates (Consultant) to assist the District in developing a plan for further stabilization work. Consultant has prepared an alternative analysis which is currently under review by District. District has chosen to proceed with a replacement project, and anticipate design to be completed late May, with construction to occur in early July.

                     District has made contact with affected property owners. District has begun conducting additional outreach to property owners along and adjacent to the project since April 2022. In addition, staff has made contact with County of Sonoma’s Transportation and Public Works, Sweetwater Springs Water District, and the Russian River County Recreation and Park’s District about the project since April 2022. The District also held an informational site meeting with residents on and adjacent to Orchard Ave. Staff gave a summary of the proposed design and discussed construction schedule and the potential impacts residents may encounter. Staff agreed to issue weekly notices to residents during construction. The District goal is to keep all parties that could be impacted by the project updated on the project’s progress.

State Grant Funding Update:

                     In March 2022 District submitted an application for emergency funding from the State Water Resource Control Board’s Urgent Drinking Water Needs program. This program offers grants and loans to drinking water and wastewater entities for eligible emergencies. The District’s Project was approved by the State Water Resources Control Board on April 15, 2022 for $2,321,273 in grant funding. The award covers costs incurred from November 15, 2021 through November 30, 2022 for immediate response to the force main failures at Guerneville Lift Station and Orchard Avenue, as well as the permanent emergency fix at Orchard Avenue. The awarded project is the Russian River County Sanitation District Force Main Replacement Project (Awarded Project).


Prior Board Actions:

05/17/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs; Adopted a Resolution ratifying and approving the signing and filing of emergency financial assistance applications with the SWRCB for the RRCSD Force Main Replacement Project, authorizing the Sonoma Water General Manager or designee, to execute financial assistance agreements and carry out the District’s responsibilities under these agreements.

05/03/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

04/19/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

04/05/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

03/15/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

03/01/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

02/08/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville; Made findings that there is an ongoing emergency need to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from the pipeline corrosions and continue to suspend competitive bidding requirements for emergency repairs.

01/25/2022:                     Received report on Emergency Need to Perform Work to Stabilize Dangerous Conditions Resulting from Pipeline Corrosion at the Russian River County Sanitation District’s Guerneville Lift Station and Force Main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville

01/04/2022:                     Received report on emergency need to perform work to stabilize dangerous conditions resulting from pipeline corrosion on the discharge pipeline at the Guerneville Lift Station and the force main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville and authorized an additional $750,000 to execute contracts for a new total of $1,500,000.

12/7/2021:                     Resolution Making Findings of an Emergency Need to Perform Work to Stabilize Dangerous Conditions Resulting from Pipeline Corrosion at the Russian River County Sanitation District’s Guerneville Lift Station and Force Main on Orchard Avenue, Guerneville and authorizing the expenditures up to $750,000 for related services and supplies.


Fiscal Summary


FY 21-22 Adopted

FY22-23 Projected

FY 23-24 Projected

Budgeted Expenses




Additional Appropriation Requested




Total Expenditures




Funding Sources




General Fund/WA GF












Use of Fund Balance








Total Sources





Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:

Total project costs are estimated to be $1,500,000.


Staffing Impacts:




Position Title (Payroll Classification)

Monthly Salary Range (A - I Step)

Additions (number)

Deletions (number)














Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):






Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board:
