To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Board of Supervisors
Staff Name and Phone Number: James Gore, 707-565-2241
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Fourth
Recommended Action:
Approve the Appointment of Ronald Calloway (Mark West School Board Appointee), Haley Skerrett (Mark West Chamber of Commerce Appointee) and Becky Menzel to the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC) for a term beginning February 6, 2024, and ending on February 6, 2026.
Approve the re-appointment of Heidi Would (Mark West Chamber of Commerce Appointee) and Stephanie Bisordi (Fulton Area Representative) to the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC) for a term beginning February 6, 2024, and ending on February 6, 2026.
Executive Summary:
Approve the Appointment of Ronald Calloway (MW School Board Appointee), Haley Skerrett (Mark West Chamber of Commerce Appointee) and Becky Menzel to the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC) for a term beginning February 6, 2024, and ending on February 6, 2026.
Approve the re-appointment of Heidi Would (Mark West Chamber of Commerce Appointee) and Stephanie Bisordi (Fulton Area Representative) to the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC) for a term beginning February 6, 2024, and ending on February 6, 2026.
Prior Board Actions:
Fiscal Summary
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: