To: Board of Supervisors
Department or Agency Name(s): Sonoma County Public Infrastructure
Staff Name and Phone Number: Johannes J. Hoevertsz, 707-565-2550
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supervisorial District(s): Countywide
Sonoma County Transit - Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance Annual Claim of Funds.
Recommended Action:
Recommended action
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the filing of a claim with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds for fiscal year 2024-25 to support Sonoma County Transit and Sonoma County Paratransit services.
Executive Summary:
Each spring, Sonoma County Transit submits its claim to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for available Transportation Development Act (TDA) and State Transit Assistance (STA) funds for the upcoming fiscal year. TDA and STA funds can be used for both operating and capital purposes and represent the largest source of funding used to support Sonoma County Transit and Paratransit operations.
In 1971, the State of California established two funding programs that have become a primary source of transit operating and capital funding assistance for large and small transit systems statewide. The programs, referred to as Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance, provide on-going funding support to eligible transit operators.
Transportation Development Act funds represent a quarter percent of the State’s base sales tax whose revenues return to the County on a per-capita basis. Sonoma County Transit receives Transportation Development Act funds for the unincorporated area, as well as, from most cities in the county to support Sonoma County Transit and Sonoma County Paratransit services. For FY 2024-25, Sonoma County Transit is estimated to receive $11,733,916 in Transportation Development Act funds, 51% of which comes from incorporated area contributions.
State Transit Assistance funds represent a portion of sales tax revenues generated by the sale of diesel fuel. In FY 2024-25, it is projected that Sonoma County Transit will receive $5,157,394 in State Transit Assistance funding.
Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds have traditionally been the lifeblood of transit operations funding. For FY 2024-25, these funds represent approximately 77% of the combined fixed-route and paratransit operating budget. The balance is comprised of federal funds, local Measure M funds, passenger fares and other miscellaneous grants and revenues.
As required by MTC resolution 2858, 25% of the TDA funds distributed in Sonoma County are dedicated to Golden Gate Transit to support its regional bus services that serve Sonoma County. The County’s FY 2024-25 contribution to Golden Gate Transit is $2,346,307.
To ensure fund availability for the upcoming fiscal year, Sonoma County Transit submits a claim annually to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. A Coordinated Claim is prepared to illustrate funding agreements with other jurisdictions in support of county-provided transit services. The Sonoma County Transportation Authority adopted the FY 2024-25 Coordinated Claim on April 8, 2024.
The following summarizes allocation of FY 2024-25 Transit Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds to support County transit programs:
Total FY 2024-25 TDA Available: $11,733,916
Total FY 2024-25 STA Available: $5,157,394
Total FY 2024-25 TDA/STA Combined: $16,891,310
Prior-Year TDA Funds claimed: $ 4,229,910
Total TDA/STA: $21,121,220
Operations Funding for Sonoma County Transit $13,365,085
Operations Funding for Sonoma County Paratransit (ADA service) $3,823,284
Operating Contract with Mendocino Transit Authority: $180,000
Capital Projects & Capital Contingency: $3,752,851
Total Claim: $21,121,220
In addition to the above, approximately $10.2 million in Transportation Development Act reserve funds may be called upon during the year to cover deficits caused by lower than anticipated TDA or STA fund generation.
Strategic Plan:
Racial Equity:
Was this item identified as an opportunity to apply the Racial Equity Toolkit?
Prior Board Actions:
05/09/23 - Board authorized filing a claim with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds for FY 2023-24
05/10/22 Res #22-0200: Board authorized filing a claim with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds for FY 2022-23.
05/11/21 Res #21-0200: Board authorized filing a claim with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds for FY 2021-22
Fiscal Summary
Expenditures |
FY23-24 Adopted |
FY24-25 Projected |
FY25-26 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
$21,121,220 |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
Total Expenditures |
$21,121,220 |
Funding Sources |
General Fund/WA GF |
State/Federal |
$21,121,220 |
Fees/Other |
Use of Fund Balance |
General Fund Contingencies |
Total Sources |
$21,121,220 |
Narrative Explanation of Fiscal Impacts:
Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds totaling $21,121,220, and correlating expenditures were included in the FY2024-2025 recommended budget, and no additional appropriations are requested at this time.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impacts (If Required):
FY 2024-25 TDA & STA Coordinated Claim
Related Items “On File” with the Clerk of the Board: